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Free and Clear America 100% roaming


Jan 30, 2005, 4:38 PM
I've got a friend that temporarily relocated in Kanab UT 84741 area. He was in the Denver market not roaming at all.

He loaded up his motorhome, signed up for
F&C America, and was on his way to Arizona.

Problem is he stopped in Kanab UT for the past few months. He was unaware (until I informed him) that he was only suposed to roam 50% of the time.

I looked at his online invoices and, WOW, he's been roaming 100%, using an average of 650 of his 850 peak mins a month! He has not one "home" (Sprint) minute.

How long can he get away with this?
Will they call to warn him? Or just take the roaming feature off of his account?

I was thinking of doing an ESN swap, his phone and my phone. That way he could roam on my account fo...

Jan 30, 2005, 5:41 PM
I think that sprint has a rule that if you are roaming off of their network for more than half of your minutes then they can terminate your contract , and you can switch carriers with no penalty....I think this is right, but I am sure if I am wrong somebody on this site will correct me 🙂


Jan 30, 2005, 10:12 PM
the whole roaming hting is tricky. yes you can only use half your mins in roaming. but what happends if you go over? the first month you go over you will get a letter that basically says "you went over your roaming mins please stop going over" the second month IN A ROW that you go over you will receave a letter "you went over if you continue to do sot he roaming option will be removed." The third month IN A ROW that you go over you will get the same letter "you went over if you continue to do sot he roaming option will be removed." if you go over a 4th month IN A ROW then they will remove the roaming feature andt hey will take it off and you will pay roaming. a cuple other points if you are on a family plan it is half the total mins used by ...

Jan 31, 2005, 12:05 AM
Wonder what it costs Sprint. A customer that roams 650 a month? I know they charge us $.40 cents a min or so, but what do they get charged by the "roaming partner"?

Jan 31, 2005, 12:25 AM
it actually depends which carrier they are roaming on. different amounts for different networks.
Homestar Runner

Jan 31, 2005, 12:27 PM
I work for Sprint in the Indianapolis market -- right now we have just rolled out a trial package here where every single plan being sold, whether Fair&Flexible or Free&Clear comes with bundled no roaming charges, and it is no longer for only 50%, but all the way to 100% can be roaming. There is no charge either -- it used to be a $5 add on to make a plan "America" for the 50% -- now its 100% for free.

It will be interesting to see if Sprint will move to roll this out nationally.

Jan 31, 2005, 1:03 PM
I'm in the Philly market and we just launched it too. According to my rep it isnt a trial tho. No test market.
Homestar Runner

Jan 31, 2005, 2:07 PM
the one thing of course is that the customer must have the mdn registered in a corporate csa -- not only are the affiliates not eligible for this, but they can't even get the 50% plans -- both of the affiliates near us, Ubiquitel, and Horizon PCS, allow only 100 roaming minutes and it is $10 extra per month for that, instead of $5.

Feb 1, 2005, 1:27 AM
Sprint has always seperated their affiliates from them. Either you have Sprint PCS or you dont according to them. Sprint has alot of affiliates and they never let the same rules apply. I'm not familar with Ubiquitel because Atlantic city has a very limited amount of cellular carrier that dominate this area but I do know for sure Sprint has always kept its affiliates seperate from itself and in alot of cases they don't even mention their affiliates. So i wouldnt be surprised if they wouldnt offer the same service to those customers.

Feb 4, 2005, 12:50 AM
When Sprint runs promos on phone prices for instance, some Affiliates participate and some do not. I think it is the same with the 50% roaming isn't it? Affiliate partners decide whether they will or will not participate. (Most don't). It is up to the Affiliate. That is why some of them offer 100 mins on their roaming package and some offer 50 mins. Some charge $5 for Roaming and some charge $10. These are all decisions made by the individual Affiliates.

Feb 4, 2005, 12:55 AM
Basically, Sprint says what they can or can't do but doesnt assume any liability. So if Sprint says yea you can offer it and they dont it's on them but with most of Sprints offers they don't allow affiliates to offer it. They cant offer what sprint doesnt allow them unless it's their own personal promo. When it comes to the roaming i can only imagine sprint would be stingy with it considering that they have to pay for it too. Then again sprints been pulling alot of surprises out lately. 😉

Feb 4, 2005, 2:24 AM
Since some Affiliates do offer the 50% roaming option, it must be something Sprint allows.

Not sure why most Affiliates don't seem to care to make it available to their customers.

Maybe they feel they have very little competition from other major carriers in their market and so don't need to be aggressive. Most Affiliates cover small and medium sized towns and cities where they may be one of two major players, or maybe the only.

Feb 1, 2005, 11:22 AM
That really depends on the affiliate, Here in columbus GA we get the 50% roaming plan, but we just got it about 3 months ago.

100% roaming would be nice

Jan 31, 2005, 3:38 PM
doscal said:
I'm in the Philly market and we just launched it too. According to my rep it isnt a trial tho. No test market.

Wow, now that is interesting! Any idea how much a roaming minute costs for Sprint? How much do they have to pay a roaming partner PER MIN? Is it like pennies?

You would think if if they had customers that roamed MOST of the time, it would not be profitable. I mean like there must be SOME cost, if a customer was roaming 700 min a month.

Thanks a lot Homestar Runner and doscal, this is very useful info!
Homestar Runner

Jan 31, 2005, 4:08 PM
well keep in mind that these 100% no roaming plans are not being offered to customers who have their home location outside of sprint corporate areas. the point is not to let people rob sprint of money through all affiliate usage, the point is to let people from the cities who travel into affiliate areas once in a while, or who have trouble getting signal in their house, be able to use the affiliates to have comprehensive coverage.

as i stated in my last post, the price is $10/month for only 100 free roaming minutes if your home location is outside of the corporate area. not such a great deal yet, in my opinion.

Jan 31, 2005, 10:43 PM
I keyed in an Indianapolis zip code, and don't see the rate plans with no $5.00 charge for the Free and Clear "America" (roaming included).

Is this on website or in print somewhere?
Homestar Runner

Jan 31, 2005, 11:39 PM
I doubt you will find it in print elsewhere or on the internt anywhere -- we have brand new literature (plan guides for display) that we received on the 13th of this month for solely our 10 corporate stores in the indianapolis area. (and it would appear also for philly too possibly)

there are many disclaimers on them saying that these services are not available everywhere, but we are already having big enough problems on our own with our own reps greeting and selling customers on these plans, and only then afterwards when they bring up the account they find out the customer is from an affiliate csa. needless to say, we have had some unhappy people in the past couple of weeks. I am starting to advise all our reps to be careful of saying ...

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