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Sprint-Nextel, what will the future hold?


Feb 1, 2005, 5:49 PM
Sprint's PCS coverage here in far eastern Ohio is practically non-existent, that is until the merger with Nextel is complete. When the new company emerges, coverage will expand greatly. The question is, how long will it take for Sprint and Nextel's network to merge and become one?

Other issues are AT&T Wireless's old TDMA network, that was rumored to be bought by Sprint and effective sometime in the Summer of 2005. Any news on that?

If all if said and done with the hopefully upcoming Sprint-Nextel, voice coverage will be 100% national and practically everywhere and then the enhanced network triple the size of Sprint's now. Do we see a new #1 in the cards?

Feb 1, 2005, 8:09 PM
well in 2007-2008 nextel/sprint will start to migrate their iden customers by enticing them with REV A and QCHAT. so if nextel wants to have a network for the centric users i dont think that nextel's network will be rolled into sprint's. but if nextel doesnt feel that centric users would get a positive IR then they will probably roll their spectrum and towers into cdma by probably 2009-2010 maybe 2011.

by the way co-location, combing their towers and their wonderful spectrum in the 800 mhz range, 1.9ghz range and the mmds range would be crucial to roll out new services...

hope that all helps you.

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