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New A800


Feb 9, 2005, 3:30 PM
Just saw the A800 at work yesterday and i must say. it is awesome! Looks just like a digital camera when its slid down. very sharp pic quality (2 m-pixel). also saw the 5600 and it is very big. like the size of a nextel. the samsung rep told me they would be coming out with a 5 m-pixel by the end of this year. A-800 is due out at the end of March, early April.

Feb 10, 2005, 2:19 AM
wow great, thanks for the info. does the a800 have speakerphone do you know? Also, is the size nice?

Thanks! 😁

Feb 10, 2005, 3:11 AM
sorry, i dont recall there being a speaker on it. but it looks very much like cingulars p777 as far as size and design but with some slight differences. also, the samsung rep also was telling me about how samsungs have just as good signal strength as sanyos(ofcourse he could be a little biased). the a800 actually peaked on its signal indicator. before samsungs would only have a few bars of service in a strong coverage zone. so look forward to more samsungs doing the same. an LG rep was there too with the lg mm535 but i wasnt too impressed with it. so i cant really tell you guys much. sorry guys...

Feb 16, 2005, 3:31 PM
from my experience, my sanyo had better service then my samsung. But from what I have been told, samsungs' battery indicator shows the true strength while sanyo exagerates on its phones (lol) sounds kinda of stupid but thats what I was told.

Feb 23, 2005, 5:52 PM
Where exactly are your getting this late March, early April release date? The A-800 has not been annoucned by Sprint and doesn't even show up on Connected, which is a Sprint Intranet Website that will announce new phone about two to three months before they come out. Expect the A-800 at the end of the summer at the soonest, later if it becomes EVDO

Feb 25, 2005, 8:29 PM
What link on connected? Because someone leaked release dates to this site, they are no longer announcing new phones ahead of time.

Feb 26, 2005, 11:59 AM
Even before that yahoo ruined the release date for everyone else, if you go to connected and type in a phone model it ususally would pull up a info sheet about the phone. Although it wouldn't give a release date the mere fact its on connected suggest a release date within two to three months. Being that the A-800 fact sheet does not pull up its safe to assume any release date could be anywhere from 4 to 6 months down the road at the earliest

Feb 28, 2005, 8:45 PM
I see the new A790 world phone under marketing briefs but I can't find the A800...

Feb 28, 2005, 8:57 PM
my bad, you said it hadn't shown up yet... anyway, I'm still trying to figure out where the ones coming out shortly are... From my understanding, there will be very little advance knowledge of handset releases now. The A790 and Sanyo 5600 have both been made public but won't be in the store for at least 2 more weeks (not on the intransit report yet). That's all I'm going to say though, as I'm not going to divulge any info, that's just an example.

Feb 28, 2005, 9:29 PM
danbfree said:
The A790 and Sanyo 5600 have both been made public but won't be in the store for at least 2 more weeks (not on the intransit report yet). blockquote>

I know of the 5600 being made public through Sanyo and the Sprint PCS website but as far as I know there hasn't been a press release on A800 and I can't find it on the Samsung website. I know it was being showed off at CES and that Sprint is going to carry it but no Sprint Press Release or available information on the Samsung website (other than the information on the CES link) Any word on the MM-535? How about any of the new Sanyo's like the 200, 9000 and so on. 9000 is a mystery to me and I want to know more!

Mar 4, 2005, 4:36 PM
Any new news on the A800 someone in the sanyo 5600 forum already has a 5600 and an A800.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:31 PM
Wish I could tell you more guys, I don't have any info on any new Sanyo's other than the 5600...

Mar 10, 2005, 9:15 PM
I sure hope it comes out in late March. I've been waiting for this phone since the new year!


2MP CCD auto-focus camera
speech-to-text technology
biz card scanning
QVGA display
3-D user interface
64-chord ringtones, AAC playback
MP3 player
TF comparable

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