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taken advantage of... (legal advice)


Feb 17, 2005, 7:00 PM
Giving a 150 to 200 dollars just isn't enough for some people apparently!....

So i had this situation happen tonight at one our kiosk's in a mall in TN...

if you have old brochures out and a customer wants a deal on a phone based on what you have out, but for some reason in that time you have changed the promotion material reflecting the new sales, could the customer still get the old promotional price LEGALLY if they pressed the issue? What if you have the "offer expires xx/xx/xxxx in the small print on your brochures"? Is that enough to get you through?

My customer from hell "explained" the false advertising law to me and was also trying to tell me that because the promotional material was old, and still out because we haven't got...

Feb 17, 2005, 7:35 PM
I have no idea about whether she can or not but from my experiences w/ idiots (and working for sprint that's just about everyone) she won't. People for some reason think they should get everything they want from cell phone companies and when we say no, they think threatening to sue or cancel is going to change our minds. Who cares if they cancel? I'm not effected by someone cancelling. Oh no, I might lose $20. I'd rather lose $20 than fix your problem now only to have you come back next week w/ another one.

Feb 18, 2005, 12:15 AM
think about it this way sprint pays there lawyers a lot of money to proof read there lit. they are perfectly compliant with state laws even if you were stupid enough to leave them out. and also the minut any customer even so much as hints to the law your conversation should be over. politely hande them the customer service card explain to them since she has chose to include legality into your conversation you are no longer authorized to speak to her and to have her lawyer call the 800# and ask for the legal department that is the official sprint m&p

i love it when people threaten there lawyers on sprint because i no longer have to talk to them 😁 😁

stupid people who think law suits solve every thing little do they know sprint has a...

Feb 18, 2005, 12:39 AM
stevelvl said:
think about it this way sprint pays there lawyers a lot of money to proof read there lit. they are perfectly compliant with state laws even if you were stupid enough to leave them out. and also the minut any customer even so much as hints to the law your conversation should be over. politely hande them the customer service card explain to them since she has chose to include legality into your conversation you are no longer authorized to speak to her and to have her lawyer call the 800# and ask for the legal department that is the official sprint m&p

i love it when people threaten there lawyers on sprint because i no longer have to talk to them 😁 😁

stupid people who think law suits solve every thi

Feb 18, 2005, 9:35 AM
BlueGuy said:
stevelvl said:
think about it this way sprint pays there lawyers a lot of money to proof read there lit. they are perfectly compliant with state laws even if you were stupid enough to leave them out. and also the minut any customer even so much as hints to the law your conversation should be over. politely hande them the customer service card explain to them since she has chose to include legality into your conversation you are no longer authorized to speak to her and to have her lawyer call the 800# and ask for the legal department that is the official sprint m&p

i love it when people threaten there lawyers on sprint because i no longer have to talk to them 😁 😁

stupid people w

Feb 19, 2005, 4:36 PM
It really depends on state law in any given state. Some states say that no matter what the dates on the literature displaying it is an offer to sell at that price which puts pressure on all of us to keep our collateral current. Other states are more forgiving and allow the dates on the collateral to be honored.
The moral of the story: even if you have no new collateral dump the old.

Feb 19, 2005, 5:47 PM
Disclaimer: the following is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.
As a general rule, a promotional advertisement does not constitute an "offer." As such, there cannot technically be acceptance. Basic tenet of contract law. As a couple of other people said, the disclaimers are on there generally as a CYA and because attorneys always want to cover their bases. But people like her always want to threaten to sue someboday--it makes them feel better to threaten when they don't get their way. As we know, the threat of legal action puts the fear of God into everyone. 😉

Feb 26, 2005, 1:15 AM
This real A hole was jerkin me around about trying to sue us (vzw). So I took the gloves off and stopped being nice and said if you like to take legal action thats your perogative but who do you think would run out of money first? Not to mention the mandatory arbitration clause in the contract you signed...I also argued that there isn't a lawyer out there that would take his case for less than the 175 cancelation fee that he was arguing about in the first place... esspecially cause it was his fault he dropped his phone in a pitcher of beer...

Mar 4, 2005, 12:52 PM
Well, if there is a cell phone that says "$9.99" and the price was really supposed to be "$99.99" and you left that tag up... well, in my state you have to give them the lower price if they demand it, regardless of expiry dates (and in fact we have been forced to).

Otherwise, they can call the BBB, police, whoever they want to make their point that it would be illegal to refuse sale for the listed price.

As for promo materials... it may be the same way, or maybe a grey area I'm not a lawyer so...

Feb 26, 2005, 11:56 PM
are these the same stupid people that do not know the difference between there and their?

Feb 18, 2005, 11:14 AM
And that customer service attitude is precisely why I left Sprint.

Feb 18, 2005, 2:11 PM
SForsyth01, FYI this wasn't a customer WITH sprint. This was a customer wanting sprint for free. Customer service deals differently in different situations with different people. Most likely, this customer wouldn't buy anyways. I've seen this type plenty of times in my stores. This was a customer bent on power and seeing how special she could be treated while acting like a whiny 7 year old, probably cause she doesn't get enough love from home. I realize Sprint may not be the best for everyone, but in my experience with Sprint, Sprint treated me just great as a customer even before i joined the ranks.

Feb 18, 2005, 3:59 PM
godsend said:
SForsyth01, FYI this wasn't a customer WITH sprint. This was a customer wanting sprint for free. blockquote>

I realize this, and this is why my reply was not to you. My reply was to no deposit stating that he doesn't care if someone cancels. It is HIS customer service attitude that caused me to leave sprint.

Feb 19, 2005, 12:16 PM
What did you want that we wouldn't give you? Free phone cause you broke your old one? Credit for your bill cause YOU went over? A third line even though you're only approved for 2? It's got to be something. I'm not a dick to customers who arent' stupid. It's the ones that want something for nothing. If customers wouldn't whine and complain for stuff that's their own fault, I would have no reason to have "that attitude".

Feb 19, 2005, 12:27 PM
what i am just tired of is every month i pay you guys what i owe but yet i still get a bill. sprint is always ripping you off giveing you charges and things. i payed my bill last month and ti was at 0$ why is it that now oyu are telling me this month i owe another 50$? 😕

believe it or not i actually do hear this from customers.

Feb 19, 2005, 2:23 PM
This is exactly the situation that should be explained to the customer in a professional manner. Obviously this customer is stupid, but if you treat them like they are stupid, you will lose their business. If you take the time to explain it to them, they would remain your customer forever because you treated them well.

Feb 19, 2005, 4:43 PM
I agree with you.
There are different ways to look at things that can help. The customer cannot be an expert at our products and that is why they come to us. It is my job to be a resource to my customer. They are human beings with feelings and preferences just like me and you.
If they don't understand then it is my job to help them understand and at the same time make them feel good about themselves, me and the company. Selling/customer service is all about relationships. Now I understand that you can't have even a friendship with all of your customers but treating them with some basic human dignity will get you referrals faster than asking for them will.

Feb 19, 2005, 5:03 PM
And this attitude is why I went with Verizon when I left Sprint. VZW CSR's have this approach when they talk to customers. They do not look down at anyone.

Feb 19, 2005, 7:09 PM
SForsyth01 said:
This is exactly the situation that should be explained to the customer in a professional manner. Obviously this customer is stupid, but if you treat them like they are stupid, you will lose their business. If you take the time to explain it to them, they would remain your customer forever because you treated them well.

yes what you say is all well and good and what i do but i have noticed there is one spacific culture in america that seams to have truble understanding the concept cell phones are not a right and every week that culture comes in and thinks they are owed some sort of compensation because there phone was shut off for them not paying there bill. i take the time and profession...

Feb 19, 2005, 8:08 PM
You are right when you describe this particular sub culture. They don't feel the necessity to take responsibility for any of their actions and non actions. They are fueled by a media which shows cases where businesses take advantage of their customers. They apply legitimate issues from other people to their own situation and come up with the concept that they shouldn't have to pay for anything.

Feb 20, 2005, 11:48 AM
Yes, and this is why credit checks are necessary. And this is why high standards on those credit checks are a must. Some carriers have to deal with this problem much more than others due to their low standards on credit scores. But that is the company's choice on where to set their standards. And this explains why sprint CSR's are so arrogant to thier customers.

Sprint sets their standards low, therefore inviting more of this culture into their business, therefore making their CSR's deal with this problem much more than they should have to. But this is still no excuse to treat the customers like they are sub-human. They are stupid, but none the less, they are still human. Sprint CSR's (not all of them, but most of the ones I have...

Feb 19, 2005, 2:20 PM
No, it isn't that at all. I didn't want anything in particular. I just wanted to feel like I wasn't a complete waste of your (Sprint Customer Service's) time when I called in to make a change to my account.

I realize that when I break my phone, it is my responsibility. I also realize that when I go over my minutes, that is also my responsibility. And I had 5 lines, thank you very much.

It was just that every time I called in, I was treated like I was interrupting something very important that the CSR was doing prior to my call. You should not be a "dick" to ANY customers, ever. It doesn't matter what they do, or how stupid they are (and I worked in retail, I know how stupid they can be), you should explain things to them in a pr...

Feb 19, 2005, 5:22 PM
I am not rude or anything until after I have already explained to the customer what we can or can not do for them. When they start yelling and threatening to cancel or whatever, that's when I stop being nice. I care if one of my customers cancels because of something that can't be controlled, but when I stop caring is when they think that they are owed something they aren't. Like I said earlier I would rather them cancel and me lose money then have them come back every month with something new to complain about. Chances are they won't pay their bill anyways and I will lose the money later.

Feb 19, 2005, 5:28 PM
Well, if that is your opinion of good customer service, then I am surprised you have any customers at all. That is a very bad attitude in my opinion.

And if this is Sprint's idea of how to provide good customer service (which in my experience it is), then it is no wonder they can't keep customers.
Big Poppa

Mar 10, 2005, 2:10 PM
Why does everyone keep insisting is "Sprint's" idea on how to provide customer service.

Sprint has the same customer service rules and guidelines as most every other customer service out there. The problem does not reside with Sprint the company, but with it's employees.

The "rude" or "inconsiderate" reps, or the reps with an "unwillingness" to help are from people who either feel they are underpaid for the work the have to do, are burnt out from the job, and other factors. But the problem lies within those people , NOT the company. The fact they are still there just means they are getting away with it and havent been caught yet..

Feb 19, 2005, 5:05 PM
If you do not take any of the customer's comments personally then there is no reason to respond in a personal manner. When you frame your response in a professional manner that focuses on content than you will enjoy your job and live longer.

Feb 27, 2005, 6:38 PM
if there is a expiry date i would think they wouldnt' be able to , even if the papers were displayed. It's not false advertising,,,they had the EXPIRY DATE advertised right on it!! but that's just my opinion 🙂
Big Poppa

Feb 18, 2005, 5:05 PM
Your in Nashville, TN aren't you?
Are you a 3rd party rep or an actually Sprint Employee?

Feb 20, 2005, 1:33 PM
I'm a 3rd Party employee with a really cool company called Talk Wireless. We've got about 18 stores within the South East. I'm based out of Chattanooga however, not Nashville. 😎
Big Poppa

Mar 1, 2005, 9:32 PM
Talk Wireless sucks! LoL J/K I used to work for the Nashville, Rivergate Mall Kiosk. 😁 LoL! I have probably talked to you before!

Feb 25, 2005, 10:48 PM
You can do two things
1. Ask the customer to go online to get the promo(which is not available)or.
2. Ask him/her to read you the expiration date in the promo...(which is no longer available)

If you they are smart they will realize you can do it. if they are not that smart... dont even waste you time...

FYI: they cant do anything about an expired promo
Big Poppa

Mar 9, 2005, 4:39 PM
Here's the thing about that man.. You know I worked for the same company as you do, And had this happened to me, all i woulda said is this.

"I'm sorry the promotion is no longer available. I apologize that I have not removed the promotional material yet. But unfortunatly I can not give you that promotion."

If they want to argue about it, and start talking about false advertising, then say this. (You'll loose the sale, but honestly, who wants to deal with a customer like that.)

"Sir/Mam, as I stated earlier the promotion is not available. No one is forcing you to buy from my store. Maybe you can find a better offer with another dealer. Thank You"

Mar 11, 2005, 11:48 AM
In response to 2 things, I think that is a very honest and novel approah to deal with an escalated customer. Keep your cool and explain the promotion is no longer available and offer your assistance with other options. It's difficult when you have to display literature about a product and service to sell it, but you are not provided with current literature in a more timely manner and have to display expired items. In my experience, all promotions advertized generall have a features service or product (in this case phone) in which they're pointing out it's highlights...you still could tecnhically use that material unless the phone itself has changed. Also, it's my experience that compamies also have standard plans, and limited time promotions...

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