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$708 bill this month, $362 last month!!!


Feb 25, 2005, 9:14 AM


Before anyone flips out and tells me that I went over my minutes, that's no even close to being accurate. Granted, we did go over a little bit, but we are talking a very nominal amount.

Just a little background.

I had three lines on one account. One was my primary phone, the second was my fiances phone and the third was just a casual use phone for all the people we usually have come stay with us. I called January 3rd to have one of my lines cancelled. Instead of cancelling my line, this individual changed my plan from the fair and flexible plan, to the 2000 minute plan WITHOUT vision and enacted another two year contract on that very same line. This line in fact was the only one WITHOUT a contract on it, meaning, I ...

Feb 25, 2005, 9:41 PM
First of all, you went over your minutes, second you went over your text messages, third of all that is not sprints fault that you are too incompetent to use a cell phone. It sounds like you called in and bitched, moaned, and groaned enough that they gave you a credit that they shouldn't have because everyone that works at sprint got sick and tired of listening to you whine about how you are perfect and you don't ever **** up anything and you have to hold our hand on everything, it sounds like to me that you need us to hold your hand and send someone to your house each month with your bill just to explain it to you in layman's terms so you can wrap your tiny little brain around how it all really works. If we gave an award for the dumbest cus...

Feb 25, 2005, 10:04 PM
Go to T-Mobile
129.99 Will give you 5000 Day time MINS
Free Nights And Weekends
add 6.99 and you get unlimited mobile to mobile
and for 4.99 you can get T-zones....Which is Tmobils internet service and there you can use unlimited messages....

Feb 26, 2005, 4:23 PM
vettewon said:


Before anyone flips out and tells me that I went over my minutes, that's no even close to being accurate. Granted, we did go over a little bit, but we are talking a very nominal amount.

Just a little background.

I had three lines on one account. One was my primary phone, the second was my fiances phone and the third was just a casual use phone for all the people we usually have come stay with us. I called January 3rd to have one of my lines cancelled. Instead of cancelling my line, this individual changed my plan from the fair and flexible plan, to the 2000 minute plan WITHOUT vision and enacted another two year contract on that very same line. This line in fact was the only one WI

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