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I'm selling a buddy my Treo - how to do ESN swap?


Mar 4, 2005, 12:21 PM
Can he just call the 800 number when he has the Treo, or does he have to go into a store?

How long does it take?

Trying to port my number out now; waiting to see if the port takes before sending to him.

If port fails, I will just cancel my account. Does the timing of my cancellation matter, or as long as it's a Sprint phone, will the experience be the same for him?


Mar 4, 2005, 12:49 PM
Takes a minute or two, you may be able to do it over the phone (*2 if you have a 3rd sprint phone handy, or call customer service 800#).

Anyway, explain you want to do the swap and you have the phones in front of you, you swap the esn, and reprogram the phones.

## followed by a six digit lock code (which the rep will give you), followed by "ok" or another # depending on the phone, program in MDN/MSID (usually both the phone number) and restart the phone (usually done automatically).

Cellular ports are usually within 24 hours, and I didnt really understand the last part of your question.

Mar 4, 2005, 2:50 PM
The last part of my question was just whether it mattered whether the phone was actively subscribed to sprint or already had the account closed when he tried to activate it.

Mar 4, 2005, 3:35 PM
The phone has to deactivated and the ESN clear. Which means you have to pay your last bill before he can activate the phone.

Mar 4, 2005, 3:40 PM
I forgot to add that you can just call the customer service 800#. Some stores won't do ESN swaps unless you buy the phone from them.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:25 PM
Wow, that would be pretty unethical in my book, I know for a FACT my local Sprint store wouldn't give you a hard time with an ESN swap as long as the phone comes from a clear account (I.E. not in hotline status).

Mar 4, 2005, 8:49 PM
The phone does not need to be deactivated, nor does the ESN need to be "clear".

The sprint rep has access to a list of dummy ESN's that they can use to assist a swap of two currently "in-use" sprint phones. Since you cant swap a phone that is currently in use, you do this.

Phone A is in use, subscriber A. Phone B is in use, subscriber B.

Subscriber A and B want to switch phones, in a handy flowchart:

Account A: Phone A -> Dummy ESN
Account B: Phone B -> Phone A
Account A: Dummy ESN -> Phone B

Other than that, cognac is right if you walked into my store and asked me to help I'd prolly shrug you off. Why? No money for me, and no incentive to deal with sprints HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE reps.

Mar 5, 2005, 1:28 PM
What are you talking about? If you worked at my store and I found out you refused to help a customer with an ESN swap, I'd report you to the RSM! I'm not sure where you work for Sprint but we don't tolerate that crap in Oregon!

Mar 5, 2005, 1:29 PM
BTW, your JOB as an RCC is to provide CUSTOMER SERVICE too, not just sell LD and activations! It's people like you who we (REAL Sprint employee's that want to help) have to fight an image of bad customer service with!

Mar 5, 2005, 11:23 PM
Yeah, I'm not an RCC nor do I know what that is. So, obviously its not... "my" job... to provide the serviec. But I'm sure its yours, and keep up the good work.

In the mean time everyone who answers *2 or the 3rd party rep line all should be fired. Oh, along with whoever is responsible for losing and mismailng bills. Oh, and nokia for not having their flipphones out yet.

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