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what's Sprint gonna do with EV-DO?


Mar 8, 2005, 8:03 PM
does anybody know what new things sprint cust are gonna be able to do once they launch EV-DO? i been seeing commercials about the world of music shrinking to fit on Verizon phones and i was wondering what sprint would do with it...could we possibly see things like video-conferencing or what?

Mar 8, 2005, 8:14 PM
it will be the same things that verizon has but since sprint does a better job at it by pricing and advertising and by products, i belive theirs will be better. (sprint that is) watch out for DO REV A, however, which will be launched in 2007 with nextel with qchat!! that will destroy competition.

video-conferencing? i dont think on the REV O launch, but on the REV A launch i belive there will be. Wimax will be possibily over the DO network, which we will def see some sort of video conferencing.

just be patient.... you will be rewarded at the end!!!

Mar 8, 2005, 9:16 PM
so has EV-DO Rev.O already been launched? can i use it on my Nok 6225 or will i need to get a new phone and if so how do i find out if it can handle it...i assume i'll have to download an app to use it and i'll know once i get it (the new phone - whether it's compatible) b/c of what's available on sprintpcs.com for download...but what's the feature called that i'm looking for in the phone description?

Mar 8, 2005, 9:51 PM
no, REV O has NOT been launched yet. just be patient.

"but what's the feature called that i'm looking for in the phone description?"

phone info? phone specs? i am not too sure of what you actually want to know, however, i hoped i answered your questions. if i havnt just ask again in a better way...

Mar 8, 2005, 11:18 PM
i'm wondering which item(s) on the phone's info page i'm looking for that will tell me that it can handle the apps that take advantage of the EV-DO high-speed data capabilities of the network, once those capabilities get launched...are we gonna see the same thing happen with EV-DO that happened with the Samsung A620/VGA1000's SMS capabilities (or lack thereof)? i know that it can't do SMS 'cuz it was launched b/4 SMS was launched...and any phones launched after the launch of SMS (like my Nok 6225) can do SMS and even it's implementation of Short-Mail was no good b/c message notifications can't be setup...
Homestar Runner

Mar 9, 2005, 11:00 AM
none of the current Sprint handsets will function with EV-DO, with the exception of the PPC 6600/6601, and the new Sierra AirCard. If you have a device like the 6225 you will obviously still be able to use the 1xRTT data but you will not be able to take advantage of EV-DO.

Mar 9, 2005, 3:24 PM
i am not sure with that, but i know that right now, you will NOT get anything that is ev-do becuase it doesnt exist right now.

i think you should just wait till they continue to talk about what they are going to do in the upcoming months. i am interested to see how the speeds will actually be and how quickly it gets rolled out as well as for the pricing. i think it will be better then verizon's in terms of pricing. we already know the REV A sytem that sprint will be rolling out in 2007 will be better then verizon's and sprint's REV O systems.

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