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CLEARPAY? Someone help....


Apr 11, 2005, 1:53 PM
Hello everyone. I applied online for a new line of service w/ Sprint PCS and it came back that I had to do a $150 deposit and had a spending limit of $125. Can someone give me some insight as to how this works? I am still able to get a free phone, but I don't quite understand the spending limit portion of it. Thanks in advance!

Apr 11, 2005, 8:20 PM
I don't work for Sprint, so I'm not certain, but I will venture a guess...

The spending limit of $125.00 is probably the point at which your service will be suspended for outstanding payments due. After that point, a payment must be made (likely a particular minimum amount required) before the service can be reinstated.

As I said, I may not be 100% correct. If I an wrong, any Sprint reps are free to correct my info.

Apr 16, 2005, 10:21 AM
You're absolutely correct. It is how Sprint protects both itself and its customers from that disstrous $500.00 phone bill which is common with other carriers. The account spending limit is confusing at first but after a while you get used to it. Like Fair and Flexible it is an innovation that the rest of the industry has not picked up on but keeps Sprint's churn at an acceptable level.

Apr 12, 2005, 2:54 AM

Basically the Clearpay program allows someone that does not have a perfect credit rating to open an account.

At the time of activation it is purely based on your current credit rating, depending on your rating it establish's the # of lines you may have, the amount of deposit required if any, and what your account spending limit will be.

It is reviewed once every 6 months and updated or re-rated if there are changes. Besides the outside credit rating, once you are a customer other factors come into effect also, like payment history (on time payments, late payments etc)

Based on your rating the amount of deposit will vary, in your case $150 for the first line of service, deposit is credited back to your account in the 11th ful...

Apr 12, 2005, 7:50 AM
Thanks for all your help! This does make it easier to understand. 🙂

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