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What Phones For Ev-do


Apr 17, 2005, 7:16 PM
I was wondering what phones does sprint carry right now for ev-do. If u know please post.

Apr 17, 2005, 8:08 PM
ppc6600 and ppc6601 are the only ones but the ev-do is currently dissabled

Apr 19, 2005, 4:53 AM
EV-DO went live in select parts of Kansa City yesterday, unoffically.

The Sierra Wireless AirCard 580 is the only device currently.

Apr 19, 2005, 10:03 AM
have you tested that PC card yet?

Apr 20, 2005, 3:23 AM

No "I" haven't tested that card. I'm really not the tech type person, sort of old fashioned I guess, I just "talk" on my phone.

I'm just quoteing the information that they give us to release.

I'd really me interested in hearing about anyone that has this card or has actually tested/used the EV-DO service.


Apr 20, 2005, 4:28 AM
yea, i am not in that area, so i couldnt. ☚ī¸ hey we will have it nationwide soon anyway. should be interesting on sprint's pricing against verizons. any idea? (just guess)

Apr 20, 2005, 4:39 AM

I have no idea on pricing, haven't heard anything yet. I'll poke around today at work & see if I can learn anything. I'll let ya all know as soon as I get any info.

Apr 20, 2005, 4:41 AM
morning.. i can find out myself, but i am just wondering what YOU THINK about the pricing structure. (your opinion)
Homestar Runner

Apr 20, 2005, 9:36 PM
I am going to guess that the price for unlimited data will surely be raised as the launching of this system provides a "reason" to make rates more similar to the higher priced Verizon and Cingular.

Cingular's Media Net is 24.99/month for unlimited (44.99 for pdas) and that is for each line on an account as well -- Sprint having unlimited data for $15/month primary and $5/month on subs will surely jump up. Granted the pocket PC unlimited data plan is already $30/month, but honestly, the majority of the plans I see have people using the I600 and PPC600 with the $15 vision -- don't know if they just upgraded their phone and got to keep their old, or if reps are just being ignorant in assigning the right type of vision plan, but that is what...

Apr 21, 2005, 9:07 AM
"Cingular's Media Net is 24.99/month for unlimited (44.99 for pdas) and that is for each line on an account as well -- Sprint having unlimited data for $15/month primary and $5/month on subs will surely jump up. Granted the pocket PC unlimited data plan is already $30/month, but honestly, the majority of the plans I see have people using the I600 and PPC600 with the $15 vision -- don't know if they just upgraded their phone and got to keep their old, or if reps are just being ignorant in assigning the right type of vision plan, but that is what I often run across...."

i wasnt talking about that. i was comparing the price that verizon has for DO which is 80 bucks per month, in your view do you think the pricing would be?
Homestar Runner

Apr 21, 2005, 11:47 AM

For all of our unlimited data plans right now -- either laptop cards or for tethering handsets as modems -- the price is also $80 like Verizon for unlimited MB. This also does include the Sierra EV-DO card -- the MRC is the same whether the data being received is at the 1x level or the EV-DO level. I wouldn't guess the price will move away from $80 or that there would be any differentiation between 1x prices and EV-DO prices until DO becomes a whole lot more prevalent with specific apps or portals designed for it on the Sprint handsets.

Apr 21, 2005, 11:51 AM
"the price is also $80 like Verizon for unlimited MB"

where did you find this? post a link please.

"I wouldn't guess the price will move away from $80 or that there would be any differentiation between 1x prices and EV-DO prices until DO becomes a whole lot more prevalent with specific apps or portals designed for it on the Sprint handsets."

why not?
Homestar Runner

Apr 21, 2005, 3:01 PM
nextel18 said:
"the price is also $80 like Verizon for unlimited MB"

where did you find this? post a link please.

"I wouldn't guess the price will move away from $80 or that there would be any differentiation between 1x prices and EV-DO prices until DO becomes a whole lot more prevalent with specific apps or portals designed for it on the Sprint handsets."

why not?

http://www.sprint.com/business/products/products/pcs ... »

if verizon's ev-do is set at $80, sprint's data is already at $80 (and already allows ev-do speeds where accessible), why would they change the price? the data rates actually were just changed this month (april) for the first time in quite a while, to the $40, $55, ...

Apr 21, 2005, 3:07 PM
why wouldnt they change the price? beat out verizon. (which i think they will anyway becuase of their data arpu industry)

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