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Sprint and Coverage


May 2, 2005, 12:16 PM
A few days ago i was speaking with a Sprint Rep. at one of the stores around my area and i was talking about switching to sprint from my current verizon account that i have. I told the gentleman that i was looking at nextel to switch to as well and he told me that right now they are in the process of "redoing" their towers to meet sprints requirements and then anything that is nextel now will be sprint in about 6-9 months the earliest? Has anyone got news about this...Thanks...

May 2, 2005, 12:33 PM
Oh hell, where's nextel18???

May 2, 2005, 1:12 PM
Until the F.C.C. approves the deal Nextel is not spending any money or making changes to their towers based on making them compatible with Sprint. Any changes made to their network are going to be based on the normal course of business and plans made without regard to the merger.

In other words, the rep is talking out his a$$.

May 2, 2005, 5:53 PM
The merger will most likely be approved with no reservations and there are some things that Sprint and Nextel can do in the form of renting space to each other to place antennas on the other's towers.(Co-location) They must keep their networks and PNL's separate until the merger is officially approved. 6-9 months could see some actions but who knows. I agree, the statement by the rep was speculative at best and misleading at worst. either way it is foolhardy to say.

May 2, 2005, 1:28 PM
speaking as a sprent rep, we are just pond scum. we know 0 about the merdger. in fact we will know nothing about the merdger till atleast 3 days after every thing has been finalized and implamented.

one thing i do know. there will be absolutely no network change even discussed untill the merdger is finalized. so bassically what he was telling oyu was nothing but fertalizer. in fact right now sprint has a 0 tollerance for such things. it makes us all look bad. please get his busness card and his managers and e-mail his manager letting him know what he told you so we can put that sorry rep on corrective ation. that would be in sprints best interest

May 3, 2005, 4:24 PM
hey i am here.

"he told me that right now they are in the process of "redoing" their towers to meet sprints requirements and then anything that is nextel now will be sprint in about 6-9 months the earliest?"

you mean re-locating and retuning? well yea, they are, however, its not on a formal basis. meaning that they arent allowed to, by law, touch each other's network till the merger is oked and final. so what he is saying is semi right, but its semi wrong.

in 2008 nextel will have half of its towers on the iden network.

thats the best answer i can give and allowed to give.

hope that helps.

May 3, 2005, 4:26 PM
"iden network."

lol sorry. cdma network.

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