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Thinking about going back to Sprint


May 13, 2005, 4:19 PM
I was with Sprint up to a few years ago, and left due to service problems, esp. when traveling out of town. Calls from my hometown, Chicago, would not go through, not even to voice mail.
Has the nationwide service gotten any better? Is the call quality generally good nationwide, and do calls from other cities go through OK?
Or, should I renew with Verizon for another year or 2? I like Sprint's plans and phones. But the most important thing to me is to get my calls wherever I am, and have good call quality.
Any advice?

May 15, 2005, 10:17 PM
I'm fairly new to Sprint, but I know that Sprint has been working hard on expanding their coverage as fast as they can. I don't have any complaints. If you are worried about coverage you can add Free & Clear America ($5.00/Month) and have a larger coverage area than Verizon could offer you.

Free & Clear America will allow you to use up to half of you anytime minutes off of the Sprint PCS Nationwide Network (based upon your area and availability).

May 17, 2005, 3:02 PM
also think about the upcoming merger w/ Nextel.. i do believe the coverage area will expand quite a bit.

May 17, 2005, 3:11 PM
I have Sprint service (the free and clear with vision). I call up to the Chicago area just about everyday. I even send ready link calls and everything is crystal clear. Come back to Sprint!!

May 19, 2005, 11:31 AM
I heard a rough number of how many towers Sprint purchased to replace IDEN towers in the areas not currently covered by Sprint. Wow.

As far as call quality goes I'm very satisfied. Every market I've travelled in has performed very well. I can't tell you how it is in Chicago, though. If you do decide to go with Sprint again just please don't get a Samsumg 660 or Nokia 6225 (if they're even available in other areas still).

May 21, 2005, 7:55 PM
Had my vzw phone for years and started working for sprint. Of course I wanted to use sprint all the time cause it was free. I drove to Florida and my sprint phone dropped calls the whole way. I ended up using my vzw personal phone the entire time. This was about a year and a half ago.

May 22, 2005, 2:12 PM

Do you still work for Sprint, and do you even use your Sprint phone while traveling? A year and a half ago is when I left Sprint due to problems while traveling, even to big cities.
Any idea if it's any better? I do like Sprint's phone selection, mobil TV features, and it's fair and flexible plan, as my monthly usage varies widely from month to month.
But it's important to be able to rely on getting my calls while traveling, and to have good quality calls while in Chicago.

May 22, 2005, 9:03 PM
RichardM said:

Do you still work for Sprint, and do you even use your Sprint phone while traveling? A year and a half ago is when I left Sprint due to problems while traveling, even to big cities.
Any idea if it's any better? I do like Sprint's phone selection, mobil TV features, and it's fair and flexible plan, as my monthly usage varies widely from month to month.
But it's important to be able to rely on getting my calls while traveling, and to have good quality calls while in Chicago.

i am currently with sprint and i travel a lot with my phone. i have used samsungs, lg, and sanyo i do travel quite a bit. i travel to western kansas (one of the most desolate and remote places in the world ...

May 23, 2005, 12:25 AM
I have heard two sides to it. I try to poll people about it when I get the chance. It seems very travel specific on where it seems to work. I speak with alost people and they tend to either say "oh I hate the coverage on this thing it sucks.. I cant wait to get rid of them" or they say "Oh it works great. never had a problem!" To be honest I do find more people saying they are having issues with sprint (not directly related to signal all the time) and are looking to switch soon. I still speak with several people working for sprint and that have employee plans with sprint (which means they use it alot) and they typically don't have that many problems. Make sure to keep the phone VERY up to date with software and prl updates and you shouldnt h...

May 23, 2005, 4:59 PM
Thanks so much for the advice. I have a while before I have to change. For the time being, I'll go month to month with Verizon. Then, wait till I'm a bit more confident about travel with Sprint.

May 24, 2005, 1:05 AM
I am looking to get out of sales due to starting a family and I need more job security. I am looking to go back to work for sprint as a technician so once I get some feedback if I remember I'll try to post my findings 😁

May 24, 2005, 1:29 PM
Looking forward to your "technician" posts. Good luck with the new family.

May 21, 2005, 7:03 AM
My Dad has sprint, and he was not very satisfied for a while...I bought him a new phone for his birthday (he had an N400 and I got him a Sanyo 8200) a couple months ago, and now he says it works fine and he loves his new phone. I also suggested he add the roaming to his plan as he runs a small business, and travels occasionally outside of actual sprint coverage. So, even though I don't know a lot about sprint, thats just one example of how they can't be all that bad.

I had sprint myself for 3 years, and I cancelled and went to vzw (and I'm not with vzw now--yes I've played the musical chairs game with cell phone companies. I Work for one now, and thats who I have, but had I known then what I know now I wouldn't have switched). Honestly ...

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