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Mingo Wireless
A few weeks ago I ported my number to, Mingo Wireless. After I got it ported, I then realized I needed a Sprint data plan, too.I'd like to know if, this is true, to my understanding?
What exactly are you trying to ask?
if get your question right, you need a data plan depending on you device and also on the plan you chose.. all smartphones require a data plan or an Everything data plan. review what you use your phone for and how many lines you have. if just 1 line and you use your phone a lot (data, text and talk) everything data 450 would be the best for you. if more than one line and same usage, the plan would be everything data share 1500/3000. there are many plans depending on your needs.
Thanks, I have just 1 line and I use it basically for emergencies. But do some other talking and texting as well
What I'm asking is, do I need an additional plan to be able to, check things like, my balance.
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