We are not a repair center here, so whenever a customer comes in with any, even simple, warranty problem; we have to direct them to the nearest repair center. The closest one being 35 miles away.
Sprint said there is no other way around this and I hate breaking customers down every time I run into this.
If anyone needs Account Services direct line, I am happy to provide that though =P
***early upgrades***
got 4 customers today so far just by callin in (and waiting about a half hour or so)
all of those customers were eligible for upgrade aug next year or sooner
How the iPhone Zapped Carriers (WSJ article)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204879 ... »
small excerpt from the article:
"For the most part, it's really been a wealth transfer from AT&T shareholders to Apple shareholders,"...
Consumer Reports 2012 Ratings of Wireless Providers
Analysis: Sprint network upgrade may curb unlimited data
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/25/us-sprint- ... »
Worst wireless CEOs of all time
http://www.fiercewireless.com/special-reports/who-ar ... »
Scroll down a half page or so to see the writeup on Forsee, he is the second rotten CEO mentioned.
Attention Sprint Reps: Help Required
black friday deals?
Corporate liable phone number
http://www.sprint.com/landings/clport/?INTCID=CM:AB: ... »
Premiere Question
I was trying to make sense of it from this article: http://www.sprintfeed.com/2011/09/sprint-endi ng-premier-program/
..as the article says "can use their qualifying upgrade through 12/31/12"?
I'd like to get a new phone now, but also wouldn't want to miss out on any new LTE devices released by this time next year (iPhone 5?, Samsung S3?, WinPhone 8?, etc...)
Thanks for the help!
iPhone launch
Just lost another sale to Radioshack...
I work at a Sprint Preferred Retailer, so I'm technically *supposed* to help them even after they buy the phone elsewhere, but the temptation to tell them to get lost is great. Especially since I rely on that commission to feed my family. >_
Apple iPhone 5 to be announced October 7th!!!
Yesterday's Apple iPhone announcement now makes sense.
How is the service?
I am looking for a cheaper carrier but I don't want to relive my experiences that I had with AT&T about 4 years ago.
Is Sprint reliable as a cell phone provider, or will I have alot of dropped calls. According to their coverage map I should be getting good to great coverage around my home, but AT&T's coverage map said the same thing, and I didn't even get coverage at my house.
Time for Verizon to buy Sprint?
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- With AT&T dealing for prized asset T-Mobile, Sprint's options may be down to two: buy everything smaller than it or get bought by Verizon.
Sprint (S, Fortune 500) will be a distant third in the U.S. wireless industry if the AT&T/T-Mobile merger goes through. The carrier would control just 16% of the market, while AT&T (T, Fortune 500) and Verizon (VZ, Fortune 500) would own more than 70% of it.
"I do have concerns that it would stifle innovation and that too much power would be in the hands of two [companies]," Sprint CEO Dan Hesse said Tuesday at a panel discussion at the CTIA Wireless Conference in O