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Phones Not from Cricket
I was concidering getting a Sanyo cell phone and turning it on with cricket. My uncle said he could do it , but I wouldn't be able to txt, send pics, or use Cricket clicks and things like that.
I was wondering if he is right about not using anything
yes. it could be done but you'd have to trick that sanyo phone into believing it a phone that cricket offers and crickets activation system too.
which if you can do all that your better off just getting a cricket phone or sprint service and get a sanyo.
Sanyo manufactures their handsets exclusively for Sprint Nextel Inc. and burns in the firmware and software designated by them. The only way I know you'd be able to use a Sanyo handset on Cricket service would be to somehow have the EPROM of the handset cleared of the Sprint Nextel Inc. programming and flashed with one for Cricket.
You would need to know the MSL code for the handset to even begin, then you would need sanyo pst and the cricket PRL file to manually load, neither of these items are readily availble (Especially sanyo pst) And even if you could succesfully complete those steps you would need to convince cricket to activate it.
I say good luck, this might be a little more feasible with just about any other cdma phone that isnt made by sanyo, or has sprint firmware.
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