Registra el valor de adquisicion, es decir, el valor al que fue comprado el bien que se esta vendiendo.
Se caraga: el valor neto de los bienes que se venden.
Se abona: para eliminarla y determinar resultados contr a la cuenta 6101 (Perdidas y Ganancias).
4104, 4105 Devoluciones y rebajas sobre ventas
Registra el valor neto de las rebajas concedidas en las ventas y devoluciones de mercaderias que efectuan los clientes.
Se cargan: las rebajas concedidas y las devolucines hechas por los clientes.
Se abona: el traslado de su saldo a la cuenta 4103 (Costo de Venta)
4106 Gastos de Venta
Registra los desembolsos efectuados al realizar las compras, como transporte, acarreo, seguros y otros.
Se cargan: las erog...
roaming router number?
can it get any worse than this?
Nokia N82
att blackjack on suncom MMS settings
can someone help me out and locate all the internet settings for me
thanks if u can help
this is a really slow forum thas why i picked it.
idk what suncom even is?
... slow day?
Suncom and Wifi
is SunCom a good company to work for?
merger completed
BELLEVUE, Wash., & BERWYN, Pa. รยขรขโยฌโย T-Mobile USA, Inc., and SunCom Wireless Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:TPC) today announced the completion of T-Mobile's acquisition of SunCom Wireless. This means more than 1.1 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will now be able to benefit from T-Mobile's award-winning customer service and the unique products and services offered by T-Mobile.
The acquisition enhances T-Mobile's network coverage. The company now serves 98 of the top 100 market...
FCC approved the merger
it should be finalized soon
welcome Suncom customers
Suncom shareholders agreed the merger
we give Thousands of Welcome as T-Mobile customers
you're a part of our family now
suncom questions...
Former Suncom Financial Services Employee Perspective
I hope the very best to all the employees at Suncom and that buyout helps you guys out.
T-mobile is buying Suncom for $2.4B with the assumption of debt