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migrating family share plane on line.


Nov 30, 2004, 1:32 PM
I was in the cingular store yesterday thinking about migrating. I have a family share plan with three phones in all. The store wanted 79 dollars for the v220, but on line it is free. Now my question is can I open a cingular account on line with the on line prices, and then migrate from my att plan. If not when will we be able to use on line services to migrate family share plans. Thanks for any info.

Nov 30, 2004, 1:48 PM
I would call AT&T, who can get you in touch with the migration team, they can give you the best information. 😉

I'm unsure if you can migrate online, but I am inclined to believe so.

Nov 30, 2004, 1:50 PM
No you can't migration is strictly through retail store or "att care" as they are trained to perform migrations.i'm one of those reps so trust i average bout 5 customer migrations per shift now

Nov 30, 2004, 1:54 PM
5? :shock: How long is your shift? Do you get very few calls? do migrations take ages?

🤣 Sorry for the barrage of questions.

Nov 30, 2004, 2:48 PM
8 hour shift -calls 1/2 of them about their plans and cingular options , 1/4 wanting to do migration, 1/4 mad they can't bill the phone to their account.

Nov 30, 2004, 8:52 PM
AT my retail store we have been averaging 12-15 migrations (BLUE to orange) per rep per day. Now the fun comes when a customer comes back and wants to reverse migration (from Orange back to BLUE). Even when following the policy to perfection it is nearly impossible. Has anyone had any luck with reverse migrating? We generally only run into it when a BLUE TDMA migrates to Orange GSM and find out they dislike the GSM. We go through about 5-6 transfers when calling into BLUE activations (which is per the policy) and sometimes cannot find anyone who knows how to accomplish it.

Any ideas?

Dec 1, 2004, 12:01 AM
adlman said:
AT my retail store we have been averaging 12-15 migrations (BLUE to orange) per rep per day. Now the fun comes when a customer comes back and wants to reverse migration (from Orange back to BLUE). Even when following the policy to perfection it is nearly impossible. Has anyone had any luck with reverse migrating? We generally only run into it when a BLUE TDMA migrates to Orange GSM and find out they dislike the GSM. We go through about 5-6 transfers when calling into BLUE activations (which is per the policy) and sometimes cannot find anyone who knows how to accomplish it.

Any ideas?

There is no reverse migration.the policy laid out and was implemented for Day 1, is that all former a...

Dec 3, 2004, 9:22 AM
The 30 day buyer's remorse in place. I have assisted either New Accounts Services (NAS) or the Portability Accounts Group (PAG) to finalize reversed migrations.

I understand that such controversial policy was to be in place, but assuming a Blue customer under contract migrates to Orange, and Orange service is not available in his area or customer is unhappy with reception, this customer could easily litigate his/her way out without ETF as customer's can't be force to pay for a service they don't like or is unavailable due to the 30 BUYER'S GUARANTEE.

Get it! 30 DAY BUYER'S GUARANTEE: You try, use, if no like, return phone, service terminates, and you simply pay for what you use for that period of time.
Vox Dei

Dec 3, 2004, 11:40 AM
We at Blue care have been told it is to be explained as they will forgive the AWS contract when they get a Cingular contract but they still get their 30 days. We are also told they CANNOT reverse migrate and we are to read a verbadium explaining that during migration...implying that if they migrate they cannot migrate but that can cancel within 30 days. Now we are NEVER supposed to tell the customer this unless they really press so i did not just tell you this on this forum.

Dec 3, 2004, 1:56 PM
Vox Dei, that was updated, the customer can opt out of the new contract, but on the cingular plan they simply have their previous contract end date placed on the cingular plan but the etf would still be applied if cxld, unless their old end date already passed.

The reason is that they believed soem customers would switch use the Rollover for 1 month then cxl, so this was placed in place to prevent that, or to switch opt out then get out of ETF, which does not happen either.
Vox Dei

Dec 3, 2004, 4:16 PM
I missed that. Where did you find that?

Dec 4, 2004, 8:43 PM
How can a customer accrue rollover minutes within 30 days? It simply won't be possible as customer must keep service for at least one whole billing cycle and keep service thereafter.

So, if a customer has service for first 30 days and accrues rollover minutes but terminates service, then there is no service to roll them to. Remember that not all plans have rollover minutes.

It is a high priority to emphasize to the customer that not all Cingular plans have rollover minutes and that certain criteria must be met at all times to keep such benefit for example only plans $39.99 and above with a 24 month commitment keeping and renewing such commitment for another 24 there after. Something like Blue's "first promise" for a yearly free phone ...

Dec 4, 2004, 10:06 PM
the rollover does not start till the first full bill cycle begins, the prorated first does not have rollover on it.
Vox Dei

Dec 5, 2004, 1:05 PM
What are you talking about? Noone in this thread was talking about rollover minutes. We are all talking about 30 days buyers remorse or 30 days risk free trial which ever you want to call it.

Dec 5, 2004, 1:28 PM
That's because rollover sucks. Haven't needed it in 5 years. Would rather have 7pm night and weekends, like I have now....

Dec 5, 2004, 1:31 PM
Well, I figure you never know when you "might" need it. 🙂 When I was with Verizon, I ended up with a surprise $400 bill just for daytime overages when my spouse was dying in the hospital! 😢 If I had rollover accumulated, I wouldn't have been in a position with a bill I couldn't pay. 👿
Vox Dei

Dec 5, 2004, 1:53 PM
That's exacly what they are for. They are not for your average usage they are for those times when you have something unexpected in your life and you can't bother to change your plan for a month untill that goes way. If you never use them then your still getting a plan thats as good if not better than most competitors even without the rollover.

Dec 5, 2004, 2:04 PM
I agree...and I have learned in my life you should NEVER say NEVER. 😁 Because you NEVER know, really!

Same thing goes for National Plans. When I was with Verizon, I had the local plan, you know, more daytime minutes. I NEVER travelled and then a dear cousin became fatally ill and I had to travel to CA for an emergency. I didn't have time to temporarily switch to National service, and my roaming charges nearly doubled my bill!

Plan for the unexpected...that's my motto. 😁

Dec 5, 2004, 6:25 PM
ONe must remeber that if you are roling over minutes, maybe you can go down on a lower plan and save money each month. Let's say you are on a 59.99 nat plan with 800 min and you are only using 600, thus rolling over 20o each month. If you are only using 600 lower your rate plan to the 49.99, thus saving yourself 10.00 a month, after a year that add up to 120.00. I would rather have a guaranteed savings of 120.00, then the off chance i might use them. I would always recommend a nat plan,nowaday the nat plans are pretty similar to the lcl plans in minutes so as previous pster said, you never know, but i am not convinced that rollover is the deal it is cracked up to be. It is like stockpiling, many times you don'y get the opportunity to use al...
Vox Dei

Dec 5, 2004, 6:31 PM
You still have the option to use it. Other companys have pretty close the the same deals in per month plans but they spoil in 30 days where Cingulars don't spoil untill 365 days. Very similar plans but if month 6 you have a family emergency and you've been using 550 minutes. It's still cheaper to be on the 49.99 with 600 than on the 39.99 with 450 and you have been saving up 50 minutes a month that you can now use if you have the family emergancy. You didn't spend anymore than you did with a company without roll over but you now have the option to use them on strange months.

Dec 3, 2004, 9:47 AM
This reply is directed to adlman.

Contact care requesting to be transfered to PAG to assist you with a reverse migration.

Set customer expectations of such procedure to be completed between 30 minutes up to 72hrs depending on traffic flow.

Traffic flow refers to the number of people moving either in/out - to/from - Blue/Orange or any other carriers as well.

Normal process will be as follow:

1. Customer will only make outbound calls (no inbound calls for some time, refer to estimated times set above)

At this point the customer must also reprogram his phone as more than likely be assign with a routing number. This programming will be available to you through care unless you are authorized to view CBIS or WebAxe. A knowledgea...

Nov 30, 2004, 1:48 PM

The website is for new activations of service, not for existing customers unless you are buying another line of service.And that isn't gonnachange they saw the crap that was pulled by att customers so its not gonna change, same as the phone you want you have to pay for with a credit card to bill to air, no moaning my bill's too high cuz of the phone price, wanting a credit on the bill for returned phone, that...

Nov 30, 2004, 1:58 PM
I think you are a little to angry for this forum. Hopefully you do not have to deal with customers because I do not think you can handle the pressure. I also want to say thanks for the information, and your time to respond to my question. I am not looking to scam or screw my way through the migration. I just do not see the reason any customer that can think for them selfs would or even should pay 79 dollars at the store when they can get it free on line. Just my personal feelings.

Nov 30, 2004, 2:08 PM
Ya she gets mean sometimes

Nov 30, 2004, 2:55 PM
Because you had atleast 1 phone and already got at least 1 discount, whats on thewebsite is for people who NEVER DID, if they gave those to everybody how do you think the company could afford discounts in the first place!!!!!!

Dec 3, 2004, 9:58 AM
Cingular has placed a department that will migrate the customer providing a web match price and without a credit card or driver's license or ID.

What the industry in general wants to do now is to hide or eliminate the monster created and fed through the late 90's by providing the customer with free phones in a yearly basis. I get calls all the time with same story of "my contract is about to expire in a few days and my phone is old and every year I have been getting free replacement phones free by renewing my agreement" Now there is hardly any free phone and require a 2 year commitment with a continuation of 2 year commitment there after and sometimes with a $39.99 and above plan. Yet again there are those weakly representatives who panic...

Nov 30, 2004, 2:03 PM
Why do you have to be rude about a stupid technicality? 🙄

Nov 30, 2004, 3:00 PM
Technicalities are there for a reason.I swear people think everything is owed to them and that the rules are there to be broken.You know what-I have heard for years the cpmpany (ATT) didn't give enough credit, promotions, everything, well the fact is they did a hell of a lot more then most carriers,and what did it get them- BOUGHT OUT!!! Anybody wanst to bitch that theydidn't get enough, greedy damn customerslike that are responsible for that BUYOUT, and you think Cingular is gonna go that same route, they don't bend over and take it up the ass over credit, phone or giving credits to custoers who wants "just cause" how do you think they could afford to pay 41 BILLION IN ALL CASH TRANSACTION????????

Grow up the moneytrain is gone and getti...

Nov 30, 2004, 3:12 PM
Are you still bitching about customers. Att got 41 billion dollars, bo ho for them. It must be hard. You on the other hand need to grow up and get in a different line of work. The stress of talking to people is getting to you. Not everyone is looking for something for nothing. I have had my phones for a year and a half now always pay my bill. Never even call customer service. Thank god I might get someone like you. I am just confused about the migration and the different pricing I run into. Yes I do wait for my contract to end and yes I always get the free phone they are offering for the new contract. If you think that is wrong well then I am sorry. If you need just the basic of phones why not get it free when it is time.
Vox Dei

Dec 3, 2004, 12:49 PM
AT&T did not get 41 billion dollars. AT&T Wireless shareholders got 41 billion dollars. I'm sure AT&T had a large number for shares but they did not own AWS.

Nov 30, 2004, 6:52 PM
but my question has nothign to do with getting something for nothing.

Still saying "AT&T" isn't asking for credits and escalations.

God damn, I hate you.

Dec 1, 2004, 12:03 AM
JessiCSR said:
but my question has nothign to do with getting something for nothing.

Still saying "AT&T" isn't asking for credits and escalations.

God damn, I hate you.

Let me me know when i should care!!!!

And there is no ATT, get that through your thick skull, they gone bye bye took their 41 billion and went home!!!

Dec 1, 2004, 1:14 PM
I know there is no at&t.

Again, the word "at&t" does NOT translate into "GIVE ME FREE MONEY!" 🙄
Vox Dei

Dec 3, 2004, 1:00 PM
Accually there is an AT&T. They sell land lines and long distance service for home and buisness phones. Officaly there is no AT&T wireless but AWS customers are still getting service through the officaly licensened company with the FCC using the name AT&T Wireless. We do brand all products with Cingular and no longer AT&T Wireless but AT&T does exist.

Dec 3, 2004, 10:05 AM
I agree with AGENT DEBIT. This is a business not a charity and businesses need money to operate and expand.

I do see the frustration of AGENT DEBIT and not been able to control his manners as well but he also has the right to voice his feelings in any way shape or form as long as he/she doesn't hurt anyone including him/her self.

Take it easy

Nov 30, 2004, 7:04 PM
Yes you should be able to from your account at AT&T wireless webpage then you should be able to migrate for online prices but be forewarned the websight is having trouble and can be vary frustrating just FYI

Dec 1, 2004, 2:01 AM
The whole migration process is frustrating. I have been telling customers to just sit tight on their aws plans untill the dust settles because the systems are NOT in place to manage the migration of god knows how many thousands of customers in one rush.

Oh yeah: Debit , take a freakin pill. These people are just looking for a deal is all. try not being a company credit nazi for a day and see how it can change your attitude.

Dec 3, 2004, 1:44 AM
On one of the post above I read that is a customer goes from blue to orange they can not go back...I work on A Blue Credit and Activations Teams...THEY CAN...It is part of the 30 day buyers remorse policy. Now on the other hand if an orange customer wants blue service they are out of luck. Also Agent Debt ATTWS still has customers...there are markets that we COULD NOT SELL TO CINGULAR...The FCC would not let us sell our accounts to Cingular in markets where it would have created an unfair market share for consumers. Soon these account will be sold to Sumcom and others, But at this time they are still ATTWS customers.

Dec 3, 2004, 2:25 AM
The only customers that have a buyers remorse polivy from going blue to orange is TDMA digital service, any customer that is GSM that migrates to Orange package does not have a buyers remorse, thats also why if they go to a retail store and migrate they have to turn in their phone or get and additional $20.00 tacked onto their charges(1 time fee, but you get the point) and i'm not refferring to the upgrade fee of 18.00 either.As for the markets that are not approved for merger they were already sent out a letter being advisethey will transferred to suncom, if you into ccnet for one of those affected markets,there is a copy under the offers link for the merger letter as to being switched so most aren't calling in so not an issue.

Dec 3, 2004, 7:31 AM
I've never heard that they have to turn their phones in...is this true?

Dec 3, 2004, 9:40 AM
joef3 said:
I've never heard that they have to turn their phones in...is this true?


Dec 3, 2004, 10:11 AM
Yes! Some of this phones can easily be ENS upgraded and then sold later on as refurbished or use for warranty exchange or insurance claims.

For example the Mot v180 and Mot v220.

Dec 3, 2004, 1:48 PM
If you do the migration at the retail store and don't turn in your att phone there is a 1 time 20.00 fee tacked onto the charge for the phone

Dec 5, 2004, 5:51 PM
Is that market specific? We havent heard anything about this in the SouthEast.

Dec 5, 2004, 5:58 PM
south east, for the carolinas , they are going to suncom, they can't migrate as far as we've been told cuz of divestitures
Vox Dei

Dec 5, 2004, 6:27 PM
But you can port as normal competitors and you can port back as normal competitors...but you do have to be out of contract or you will get hit with an ETF as with normal competitors.

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