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phonepimp...how about towers and coverage for MO?


Sep 9, 2004, 7:15 PM
Hey man,

You've helped me out with some decisions here lately. Thanks...and congrats on the wedding I read about in a post. One guy was asking about Kansas towers and if you're still near your computer, I thought I'd ask about Missouri and signal strength.

What do you show for an "axis of rednecks" that extends from zip codes 63869 to 63867 to 63845 to 63881 and back to 63869? Inside that lop-sided box known officially as BFE is where you find someone with a pre-Aug 02 tdma nation plan that is figuring his next move ;-)



P.S. - If you need something more precise outside of a large box diagram to answer, I'll try to oblige. I have no idea how big or small a brush the coverage maps paint with.

Sep 9, 2004, 7:20 PM
Sorry, but I proved the axis of hicks is true. I meant that post for jinx7676, not phonepimp. Guess watching too much "Pimp my Ride" the past week got that word stuck in my head :-)


Sep 10, 2004, 9:18 AM
lol... no problem

Sep 10, 2004, 11:15 AM
Great coverage west of Rt. 732, weaker but still usable east.

Real tough there. You may have to be outside to get service

Low coverage to the west, leading up to a dead spot going north and south, and great coverage to the east.

Pretty spotty, but lots of good coverage. Looks like the tower is just NE of 77 and 80.

That answer your questions?

Sep 10, 2004, 4:59 PM
Thanks for the help man. A couple of other souls replied back to me and I appreciate their answers also. I'm about 7/8 miles SE of 63867 and/or 9/10 miles SW of 63845. There are more meth cookers here than houses (present company excluded from the meth haha) but signal has always been hard to come by.


Sep 11, 2004, 9:22 AM
Yeah, I've heard stoned towers lose their efficiency after about a half mile... too much work when you're stoned...lol

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