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13.1M and counting
After Q4 we now have 13.1 million customers and counting! how many does #5 nextel have, anyone know?
Around 12 million I think
When I signed up with Nextel a view months back, they sent me a welcome letter and I think it said you have joined like 13 million other happy Nextel customers. Either way, it has to be getting really close between T-Mobile and Nextel.
t-mobile passed nextel in early november
we'll vzw would just wait 1year then we'll get those customers back..
i don't go into the verizon forum and dis verizon. also for your information the number one company i've had customer's leave (to port to tmobile) is...what? Verizon? haha they won't go back to VZW either because they are pissed at them.
Stick to your Verizon forum trol,l unless you have something constructive to say
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