Sep 9, 2008, 9:35 PM
Every customer I've talked to for a month now ends (or starts) our sales experience with either the question, "So when are you guys gonna be Verizon?" or some redneck variation of it. i.e. "When's my phone gonna say Verizon on it?" I think I'm gonna go apply at a V store to just get away from retarted Alltel custys.....DAAAAMN!
I hear ya there!! I heard today theres a slight chance that Verizon will leave Alltel as it is and just man the ship with the same brand and logo - Just be the "owener"... Only time will tell...
My favorite part is when a customers asks and you respond with the famous "I don't know" so they ask again... and again...
Its still in the Feds hands... When we know you will too!
adam2603 said:
that Verizon will leave Alltel as it is and just man the ship with the same brand and logo - Just be the "owener"... Only time will tell...
never son
Whats an owener? Just curious... 🤣
Sorry back on point.
I am getting tired of moron reps from Alltel giving false information to their current customers about the merger. "Verizon will buy out your contract." I stopped counting the times I had to actually inform the Alltel customer as to what is REALLY going on.
they will not leave them alone. Too much savings will come by getting rid of all the executives and redundant stores ect. It would make no business sense to do this unless alltel served areas that verizon didn't. Even then it wouldn't make that much sense.
IF this merger is completed the main advantages to Verizon would be finally able to offer enhanced services in states like Nebraska and Arkansas AND so-called "synergies" (elimination of redundant stores and sacking of middle managers) I would think that the first thing they would do is take advantage of the ability to offer Verizon customers expanded coverage. There will be plenty of time to assimilate the Alltel customers into Verizon billing systems and the like. They should not be in too big of a hurry to eliminate any positions until they have converged the billing platforms. So as long as Alltel customers need to be served...they should be served by former Alltel employees until such a time as they may be moved onto Verizon billing...
I never get tired of moron Verizon reps. sending business my way. I'm tempted to get one of those clickers and hit it every time we get a customer that comes here to escape Verizon. Sure, Alltel and Verizon will be one, we inform the customer, so long as they get a temporary reprieve from Verizon they are happy.
Oh, and what is -REALLY- going on, natemc? Since you seem to think you know the -REAL- scoop please post something with evidence.
Do you realize you just called someone "retarted"? What is that, a reheated pastry?
... strudeled... 🤣
Sep 16, 2008, 4:38 PM
good catch!
What is wrong with you people? Have you never been a customer of Alltel? Most likely not, other wise you would know why your customers are wanting to know when we can get some real help with the problems we do have. I have been a customer of Alltel for years, and the ONLY reason I am still with them is due to the great service area. Your customer service is the pits. Ever check WAVE results? Notice that you are on the bottom of the list? If Verizon is able to take the whole company in, you reps will most likely be out of a job. And for you to call the people that pay your paychecks names because they want to know when they will get better customer service is just despicable. Learn the meaning of customer service.
It's not as though they are calling the customers names to their faces or over the phone where they can hear them. Wow! Calm down. Do you kiss your boss's behind even when he is not around? This is a place where workers can be anonymous, blow off a little steam and share war stories. It's not just Alltel employees. Go to any of the other forums and glean their postings and you will find a "I cannot believe this customer called in and said...." or This customer walked in the store and threw a temper tantrum..." Please tell me that you don't seriously think that people should worship their customers when they are not in their presence. Don't get me wrong... I'm sure that some of us have called in to customer service and gotten that r...
Oct 9, 2008, 8:57 PM
Thank you Azeron you hit the nail on the head.. and I also apologize for not elaborating enough to say that some customers actually believe that the software on their phones will somehow magically adapt to VZ's. But I love my custy's just sick of some of them not really thinking about their inquiries, especially those that make a special trip to my store to render them on me.