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Multi-Network Phones
Does anyone know what phones are available in the US that support both GSM and TDMA?
Cingular is telling me that there are only 2 in existense. One or both of them are Nokia phones.
Can this be true? OR are they just trying to steer me into going with the phones they sell?
There aren't many. There's the Nokia 6340 and Sony Ericsson T62u. Those are the only two true GAIT phones, and therefore the only two that will work with Cingular.
For AT&T, there is also the Siemens S46. It's GSM and TDMA, but it's not true GAIT, and it will only work on AT&T's network.
Seimens S-46/45, and SonyErricsin -62U (ATTWS)
the sony acualy hits TDMA, GSM and Analog
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