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Is the extended life battery worth it?
Purchasing a Samsung a-670 and the only downside I can see about the phone is that it could use a better battery. Should I upgrade now or wear out the stock battery?
If you talk lots, the extended battery is always worth it. Because, beyond the obvious 'out of juice' annoyances, its additionally a pain to have to recharge every single day. And li-on batteries, to my knowledge, are only good for about 300-500 recharge cycles.
Meaning that a heavy, recharge-every-day user could wear out a regular battery in about a year and have to replace it, whereas an extended might last him two years, assuming he's recharging every other day with the extended.
(I myself am a medium user who has both std and extended batteries and keeps my phone in my pocket, so I go back and forth between cursing my std battery's mediocre batt life, and my extended's bulk ☹️ )
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