Motorola RIZR Z3
T mobile?
just asking.
can still do e-mail, can still do instant messaging, bluetooth, music, camera. all of it, just not as easily as you could with a QWERTY keyboard phone like a Side Kick.
also, T-Mobile got the RAZR after a while, who's to say both cingular and t-mobile wont carry this one???
Cingular will most likly get it first, all becuase of the increase in user base, and if it sells really REALLY well, T-Mobile will pick it up. same way the RAZR worked out.
Right now it's pure speculation who, if any, will sell this.
And, yeah you can get an opera browser on a phone but most people don't know how, and it wont be as nice as the Sidekicks. You can do text messaging on any phone, but the sidekick gives you unlimited text messaging, and The best Instant Messaging experience on any phone.
https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/moto_capri/img_4 ... »