HTC Dash / S620 / S621 (Excalibur)
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T-mobile Unlimited Web vs. Total Internet?
Aside from a price difference of close to $25, what's the difference between the Unlimited T-mobile Web ($5) and the T-mobile Total Internet ($30)? Thanks for any help.
TMO unl web is a wap based browser for basic handsets whereas the total internet is actual internet access for the dash/wing/GC89. there is a hack for you to use the $5 unl web on the dash, but tmo is working on stopping that hack.
T-mobile actually did turn off the 5.99 internet hack... for about 5 hours before they got so many calls from people who complained that they turned it back on.
I worked for customer service at the time.
I doubt they would do it again.
But if it was a "hack" (which is technically illegal I'm assuming), why did t-mobile turn it back on? Don't they have every right to turn it off?
It's not really a hack. its just changing the settings in the menu of the phone that makes it connect to the WAP service for the internet insted of connecting directly to the internet.
And they do have every right to turn it off, but I am pretty sure they would rather have people pay 5.99 for internet insted of canceling because they are upset over loosing the ability to use the 5.99 internet.
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