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HTC Dash / S620 / S621 (Excalibur)


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Dec 8, 2006, 7:06 AM
1) Why does the Dash suddenly turn on from sleep mode for no apparent reason? Conversely, why doesnt it turn on when receiving an incoming text messzage or email?

2) You should be able to show My Faves no matter what home skin is chosen. Its silly that the My Faves icons have to be hidden just because you choose a skin other than the T-Mobile default.

3) Why doesnt the AIM icon show up on the home page? I only see it when I go to another screen.

4) Im a bit vague with WiFi. When would I need to have it on? I always seem to have no problem connecting to the internet wherever Ive been so far.

Dec 9, 2006, 10:37 PM
connect to wifi when you want a faster internet connection

i wondder about 1 and three all the time tho and i dont hae my faves so i can care less about that one

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