BlackBerry 8703e
Reviews 45
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Now in stores inventory but not for sale.... YET!
Most retail locations have them in now but are not yet for sale. Official launch date unknown in stores. 😁
Ummm i think Ur Clueless, bc i just called the verizon store near my house and they said yes we have and they are for sale. So explain what you are talking about please?
i am going to see how it is today!!!
Maybee it's a regional thing. Here in Southwestern PA they are not as of yet. I want to go into a retail location prior to purchase just to see if a B.B. is for me. I had an Audiovox Thera way back when and the Pocket P.C. worked GREAT. I am gun shy towards Pocket PC now as everyone talks about all the crashes. B.B. seems like my only alternative right now. I would love to have something that ran pocket streets, BUT, can't run around worrying about crashes.
I am located in NJ and Ny so maybe your right...but anyways i just got the BB it is amazing in everyways i suggest it highly!! any more Q's just ask them here
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