BlackBerry Pearl 8100
PLEASE help!
it has been very confusing for me to use so far...
so here are my questions:
1) how do i access the internet? (i see know browser on my pearl)
2) how do i delete my text messages. i dont know why i cant clear my inbox folder or anything.
3)RINGTONES i have a memory card and everything and cant seem to access my music. so i deleted all my songs off my memory card and now the blackberry device manager says i have less space then i really have (since i deleted all my songs) and i am not able to transfer songs through media manager. any tips would help. thank you in advance
Michael Fletcher
-to delete txt msgs, highlight them in your message icon, and press the menu key (its situated just right of the talk button) then scroll down to delete and click the trackball
as for the memory card i would insert it in your computer without having it in the phone and then check whats on there blackberry will reformat the card to how it wants it to be but it will have more on it that you can access through the phone or the desktop manager i had the same problem when i got my pearl.... email me if you have any queations jeffwetsel@tmo.blackberry.net