BlackBerry Pearl 8100
Reviews 100+
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(cingular customer) Treo 680, BlackJack, BB Pearl
I am currently looking for a new phone and would like to get 1 of these 3 phones. Any input as far the pearl compared to the others would be greatly appreciated. How would this phone be for a regular 9-5 mouse jockey?
I had the Treo 650 for 2 weeks and then sold it on Ebay. I'm not sure how many improvements were made between the 650 and 680, but mine was a piece of junk. I also didn't like how big and bulky it was. I like a phone that I can easily slip in my purse or pocket or in a hip holster, and frankly, the treo looks like a house phone riding on your hip. haha. I have the Pearl now and absolutely love this little phone. It has so many great features packed into a tiny little phone. I did a lot of research before purchasing this and if you read the reviews, you'll see that 95% of the people that placed reveiews also love the phone. I've also read comparisons between the blackjack and the pearl and have found that people go for the pearl over t...
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