Samsung SYNC SGH-A707
samsung sync vs. moto razr v3i
allim7399 said:
v3i is a complete waste of money. if you have your heart set on getting a v3, go for the v3r. no stupid itunes! but if you must compare v3i to a707, go for the a707. no question.
I agree. I'm still waiting on my A707 to come in. I have an LG CU500 now and plan on switching once I get my new shipments. Never had any kind of V3 and never will. Later.
Dres - Celebration, FL
egale1 said:
What about the CU500 makes you want to switch?
The default ascending tone I hate!!! It won't accept my 1GB memory card; whereas the V3i, L7, and D807 all can read my card. Also, I tended to take lots of pix of my daughter with my S710a, so with the A707 having an 2MP cam compared to the 1.3MP in the CU500 only helps me in my decision to switch to the A707. Later.
Dres - Celebration, FL
I have had the razr for a year and absolutly cant stand it. I went to cingular and got the SYNC and gave the razr to my little brother.
The razr is the same exact phone as the vxxx model series. Sure they add a couple new features here and there, but still a waste of money. Also, no camera phone compares to the quality of the SYNC!