Motorola Q Global / Q9h
Reviews 61
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$$$ How much
How much is this thing going for? with contract and without...
Hope its not a buck more then the BJ2 cuz I'll be going that way if so...
my price sheet says $350 w/ $50 mir on 2 yr contract
That F$%king blows, it costs the same as the Tilt which is a far superior Phone. Isn't Verizon's Q9 $199 or something?
Oct 26, 2007, 9:35 PM
Verizon's Q9m is a POS and its just the same old Q with a new shell. Not work the money and VZW followed the Apple way, jack the price for the first 60 days then drop it like crazy. Suckers.
Yeah but VZW won't be refunding any money back to it's users. :-)
I tried the Q9m for a few days and PPCMD is correct. It's a repackaged Q. The Q9 Global is a whole different animal. GPS, tons of RAM. I'll say that the keyboard on both the Q9 models is the best I've used on ANY device.
I paid $250 with a $50 rebate, bringing it down to $200. Not bad! I had heard the price was going to be $300 so I saved a third over what I thought! This was at the AT&T store, so everyone should be getting this same deal with a two-year AT&T contract.
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