BlackBerry 8830
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bb8830 vs treo700wx
I am considering one of the two of these from sprint, this is a work phone, need really good speaker phone, voice dialing, ability to read word and excel docs, sync with PC calendar, probably not outlook, would like touch screen for dialing... any ideas? I have used a palm PDA, but this would be my first smartphone, how hard is it to learn the BB systems? Thanks...
The BB will satisfy all of the needs that you listed, except the touch screen for dialing (not BB has a touch screen).
Highly recommend the BB over the Treo. It is much more stable, reliable, easy to use, and better looking...As a warning though, while you will be able to read word and excel docs on the BB, but you won't be able to edit them (there may be a 3rd party app that allows you to edit, however). Despite this, and in my opinion, the BB is much better phone than the Treo.
I'll echo the above comment. The treo is a nice concept for everything that it has, but the BB is simply a better phone. More stable, fewer resets, better feel, smaller, lighter, and when my store sells a blackberry I don't recall one ever coming back. The only downside to be aware of with Sprint is that the web will be more expensive on the BB for unlimited data than the treo, but it is still cheaper than AT&T or Verizon's. The only reason I would consider a windows mobile device over the blackberry is if i absolutely needed the ability to read and write windows files, and then I would go with the HTC Mogul over the treo a hundred times. Hope this helps your decision.
I am going to get one of these phones. Needs are the following.
Email to sync with outlook from work and Yahoo from my house. some internet browsing, nice phone with all my contacts and text messaging. what works the best.??
Also anyone know if it will work in Costa Rica??
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