BlackBerry 8830
Reviews 83
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any option to view regular phone keys w/alphabet
I regularly find my calls answered by a customers automated service that wants me to "dial the person's name to reach their extention" so for examble, if I'm calling mike smith, I need to dial "645376484".
I stopped in a Sprint store to look at the 8830 and the rep couldn't help me find any screen that would show the typical phone pad on the screen to help with this. Does anyone know of an option we were missing?
there is no digital traditional key pad as it is unessesary. just press the numbers when not in an application or menu and it will dial. if you need to type in something like 1-800 flowers just type it like that first with the "1-800" then press and hold the "alt" key and spell "flowers". the phone automatically sorts what numbers belong to what letter and then dial that number when you press the send key. nifty trick huh? ;)
wow! I like the sounds of that.
Does it work after you've already connected, as in the example I have in my original post?
nerysMay 1, 2009, 10:25 AM
if its alt key I imagine yes as thats PHONE side not SERVER side.
VERY cool I was also annoyed by the inability to dial word numbers :-)
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