Motorola RAZR2 V9m
Reviews 97
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It seems like there is a split second lag on this phone from when u push the button, to when the phone actually reacts. Im guessing there is nothing you can do about it, but i figured it wouldnt hurt to ask. I used to have the 8300, and loved how it immediatly reacted. Thanks
I got the same problem with the v9m on sprint. One way I though I got it fixed was removing the animated screensaver. That did help the lag of getting into menu or other options from the standby screen. Now If I get a text message during a phone call or Im checking voice mail and pressing 7 or 9, and when I end the call it really lags on clearing the text or numbers I pushed, before it hangs up. I find it to be a pain, but I deal with it.
how do u remove the screensaver?
press menu button, scroll to settings,click display, and there you will screen saver. You can select none or select another one in the phone. I have the Dynamic one selected.
i see where u mean, but i dont see any options for "none"???
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