BlackBerry Curve 8310
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Video ???
Hey guys. I am a novice with the Blackberry Curve and i am trying to becide which one to buy this week. ( Pearl or Curve). I am still not sure if the curve is able to record video yet and this may affect my decision. Can someome help me.
no current blackberry does, but maybe the new pearl will . it should be out within a couple months.
Mar 25, 2008, 6:25 PM
The new pearl will. And it should be out soon. Our rep said to stop ordering the current model.
The Curve does not at the moment but the there is an update coming that will let it....whenever that actually happens 🤨
with verizon's pearl you can record video. The curve will be out shortly and that will as well. I'm pretty sure the 8830 will as well....
my curve records video because i have the OS and its AMAZING
Can you tell us how you were able to get the the OS? Also are you with ATT or TMobile. I have an ATT Curve.
i have done it with my t-mobile 8320 and an unlocked 8310 from AT&T, email me and I'll send you a link to where i got it
It's still beta though right? Have you had any issues?
I downloaded the OS4.5 Beta on my 8310. Wow it was too slow. Applications speed, the internet I mean everything was slow. I got rid of it and reinstalled the original version.
... the hell can you build a supposedly bad-ass smart phone and NOT have a video camera??? html? cool, but cant record video. Good job rim....job....
It can record video and record quick sounds, also the media player has an equalizer. Its vodafone release on my ATT curve.
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