I recently received an advert for this phone and it said that you must have the everything plan to purchase this phone. Is that true?
yes, it has to be on one of the "everything plans" sprint is changing their family plans around to accommodate the needs for this phone as well.
Is there any way to purchase the phone outright (even @ $400) and use it with an existing plan? My current plan is too good to give up! I have an old employee plan, so it has all the goodies necessary (full vision, etc). I would like to upgrade from my M610.
just buy the phone off ebay and swap it online.
Won't work. There is new coding in CSM that will only allow an everything plan, EDRP plans and advantage club plans to work with phone.
Yes, just like when the voyager when it came out with VZW that you had to switch to the nationwide plan or you couldn't activate it.
yup. everything 450 $69.99, everything 900 $89.99 and everything unltd $99.99. it can also be used for the new upcoming family plans (voice,web&data,text) included.
According to the new brochures, it says that the instinct is available on any of the Everything (450, 900, Unlimited for individual or 1500, 3000 family) plans or the Talk/Message/Direct Connect (450, 900, Unlimited individual and 1500, 3000 family) plans. This only leaves the individual 450 and 900 min voice only and the 700 min voice only shared plan as the plans that you will not be able to add it on to.
Yes, and no. I did NOT have to subscribe to the everything plan as my plan already includes everything... for a lot less! There were some minor adjustments but my MRC is still less than $50/monthly...for everything that I already had.
Jun 19, 2008, 4:16 PM
ok I dont know where you went but when I tried to activate the phone on someones old plan it did not work and I am a retail rep so I did have to change them to one of the new plans.
You have to email customer care or simply call the number listed at BBB. Below is the email I received from customer care... and they honored it.
Thank you for your reply.
I would like to inform you that Simply Everything plan is a basic
necessity for the phone Samsung Instinct to be used.
Further, the employee discount of 27% is compatible with the $99.99
Simply Everything plan.
Currently, Sprint Fair&Flexible Plan 400 is active on the line
########## and the plan includes 400 Anytime Minutes.
So, you can opt for Simply Everything 450 plan for $69.99. This plan
includes 450 Anytime Minutes, unlimited text messages, unlimited
internet access and you will also be receiving 27% employee discount.
Also, the phone on line ...
It seems that for most people this is true. However, if you have a corporate discount (like mine at Bank of America) you can actually keep your plan. I just ordered mine online through our discount site on a new add-a-phone line and not only did it let me keep my plan but it also gave me an additional $50 MIR making the end end price $79.99+tax. 😁
Is there any way for someone who doesn't currently have a corporate account to obtain one? And what website are you referring to?
If you don't work for a company that has a corporate discount then I don't think there's any way to keep your plan. The website won't do you any good because it verifies employment before the order can be placed.
i have a corporate discount through our hotel which is a cendent property... how do i go about keeping my same plan and just adding the phone too it...
I was able to keep my corporate discount with the Simply 900 plan, the Simply Everything, as I was told, will not allow corporate discounts. Not sure how it works for Sprint Employees.
I'm going to agree with the "Yes and No" answer as well. Sprint, and by that I mean Sales, CS, etc, have been told to sell the Everything Plan with the Instinct. I have a SERO 500 account and I was lucky enough to have it with the Instinct. It depends on who you get to change up your account. If you get someone who knows what they're doing, then you'll be okay. If you get a drone, then they'll give you the same speech over and over. Good luck