HTC Fuze / Touch Pro (GSM)
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Tethered laptop
Looking to upgrade an 8125. With the 8125 and unlimited PDA data plan, I can use modem link and tether the phone without incurring additional data charges. I know you can also do this with the 8525, is it still possible with the Fuze?
uhhh you can if you know the right tweaks 😉
YES, there is a program on the device called internet sharing. You can share your wireless internet connection either via Bluetooth, or wired (usb cable). Also there are tweaks out there so you can set your device as a WiFi hotspot!
Just make sure you disable the proxy so you are less likely to get cuaght tethering while not having the tethering plan 😁
So is disabling the proxy something that's easy to do?
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