BlackBerry Tour 9630
Reviews 78
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WiFi Questions
I hear the new Storm 2 will have WiFi. Question...and forgive me if i sound dumb cuz i'm new to all this smartphone stuff.....
If you have WiFi on your phone is there a need to have a data plan from your carrier? WiFi is free right? So i would just need to open up browser and go if i have a WiFi signal right? If so, why have a data plan? And would my carrier still somehow bill me for going on internet if i use WiFi? Please help me understand. Thanks
Verizon requires a data plan on all of their smartphones.
Which svc is faster, WiFi or verizon data service?
Not sure which one would be faster. The real point is that if you want to activate a smart phone on Verizon's network you will have to get a data plan. Then you will have a choice. If you find wi fi to be faster then use it. Wi fi won't be available everywhere.
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