Motorola Droid
flash offer retraction???
Flash for Android has nothing at all to do with flash for apple, any more than, for example, flash for linux and flash for Mac. If Adobe wanted to do both, they would be able to; except that for Apple (iPod/iPad), they have to get Apple's approval. For Android, they don't have to get anyone's approval.
Do you even understand what it means when someone says "First quarter"? Once again, more slowly. 1st quarter means Jan 1- March 31. there's still two more months, assuming they are actually on schedule. Remember Vista? How many times did they push that back? Windows 7? Windows Mobile 7? winMo 6.5? Virtually all software companies miss deadlines at least once in a while.
I don't know why I even bother, except that I don't want some future user browsing this forum to get the wrong idea from reading your crud.
voyagerboy said:
i know u guys said there are 32 gig cards out there but ive seen non ligitamitely for sale...btw its tues 530pm do you know where your droid update is?
What droid update? I never saw anything official that said there would be an update at any specific time. There were rumors and leaks that there *might* be one on the 22nd. However, until I see something official, I'm not that bothered.
If you really want a 32 Gig card, buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong. Or whatever the Chinese are calling it these days. There's probably other places globally as well. Or wait a few months, they WILL eventually make it over here. I haven't managed to fill my 16Gig, yet. And when I do, it will be tim...
I think there will be no Flash on Apple any time soon.
Did you see the news that Steve Jobs slammed Adobe.
"Regarding Adobe, Jobs reportedly said, "They are lazy. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it."
Apple does not support Adobe's Flash animation software on the iPhone and its just-announced iPad multimedia tablet computer. The Flash Player is used for viewing videos on sites such as YouTube.com. In the past, Jobs has complained about Flash."