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Hello EVO!
Let me just say first that I have been a Blackberry user for five years and I didn't think an Android device was going to win me over. The HTC EVO from Sprint will defiantly turn heads and change mindsets! I am an Advocate for this wonderful new Sprint device that will be released on June 4th, and I can say without a doubt "Sorry RIM, but you just lost me!"
I have had a week to use this device and it truly is everything and more than what I thought it would be. The Snapdragon processor makes the 3G data faster than I thought possible. I can't wait until my market launches 4G to see what this device can really do, yet I don't feel like not having 4G has limited any use of this wonderful device.
The Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync now ...
What is this a sales pitch?
"For more information on the HTC EVO exclusively from Sprint, follow the link below."
what customer would say that? Come on!
If this is a real post how do you have the Evo already?
I have the EVO because I am an Advocate for the device and I am training stores with it. So you are correct that a customer would not have the device yet. 🙂
how do I get that job?
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