i go off what KMS says.
and i know they store right down the street from me is getting alittle over 50 but hey i live in new york city. so what do i know
so have a good day there buddy
- 10 Premium Data plan:
Not a charge for 4G service.
For unlimited data usage while in 3G/4G Sprint network.
For the rich data experience that HTC EVO┞¢ 4G provides whether in 3G or 4G Sprint network.
So in a word, yes. Though I wouldn't expect increased coverage, the call-quality of the actual phone calls is exceptional.
Remind me again - why should I buy from a Sprint store? Because of the ReadyNow service that I have no time for? Or because of 25% discount on overpriced accessories?
I can get my Evo guaranteed from Radio Shack + $20 "allowance" + instant rebate... I think I'll do that instead.