HTC Droid Incredible
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Why No VZ Navigator?
Why is VZ Navigator not av available for this phone? Google Maps is a very different kind of program and not nearly as good as VZN in my opinion.
Apr 28, 2010, 7:45 PM
Google maps with navigation+ the dozens of free location apps (where is a good one) means VZnav isn't needed
I've seen Google Maps in action and was not impressed, at all. We should be given a CHOICE on which Nav program we want to use. It's a Verizon phone and we can't use their navigator? WTF?
Apr 28, 2010, 11:12 PM
Verizon doesn't see the profit in writing an android version of the code. There are other GPS programs to choose from on android if you want to check them out. I had Vznav on my env2 and my Tour. never that impressed by it
Apr 29, 2010, 9:55 AM
I totally agree. I feel that the Google maps navigation blew my vznav away. And never told me to do the next legal u-turn while i was on an overpass on the highway.
It's free. Deal with it.
uh its an android powered fone smart one. i really would like to put this nice but i you kept up with verizon since NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR you would kno THAT ANY OF THERE NEW ANDROID PHONES HAVE NOTHING VERIZON RELATED ON THEM!!! the only thing verizon thats on it is Visual voice mail. the rest is HTC an android
My Incredible arrived yesterday and Google Maps has Navigation built in. It works very well. You can "Voice Search" your location and then navigate to it with Turn by Turn instructions. Very Happy with the phone so far!!
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