HTC Droid Incredible
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Incredible or Verizon iPhone
Apr 30, 2010, 8:26 AM
OK - so I am ready for my new every2, but still on the fence as to getting the Incredible or wait to see if Verizon gets its version of the iPhone.
Any thoughts?
I have the same dilema...I went for the Incredible. No regrets but I think I will try the iPhone IF and WHEN Verizon ever gets it !
My thought is only why the heck would anyone still want an iphone? In the words of my 20 year old, "No one wants the iphone any more. it's OLDDDDD" ANDROID IS WHERE IT'S AT.
Hopefully Verizon will have the NEW and IMPROVED iPhone ....
Now THAT would be fun !! 🤣
We can only hope.....
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