HTC Droid Incredible
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Cant send mms to iphone
Cant send mms to iphone 😡
Theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to. Ive already done it many times already. Are you sure you are sending it to a S model iphone? otherwise,if its not a 3gS the iphone cant receive MMS.
yes it's my wife's 3gs iphone and 3 other one's it works from moto droid not this phone crazy
May 3, 2010, 9:44 AM
The camera is a higher resolution on this phone. Depending on what your resize settings are, this could be an issue. Remember, ATT has a wierd limit on the size of MMS messages. (had to seriously scale down pictures to send to my brother when he had it)
Handcent SMS has a setting that lets you adjust the quality of the picture sending. Try that. If that doesn't work, it could be an issue with your network settings (carrier side) and a call to tech support will fix it.
Do you know someone else on ATT with an non-iphone you can try sending a picture to? You want to verify exactly how much is being blocked before you call in.
This is not true. I believe they can all recieve Pix msgs. My mom and dad have 3G iphones and I know they have no issues getting pix messages from me.
May 3, 2010, 1:18 PM
The 3g can. The 2g cannot to my understanding
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