HTC Droid Incredible
Reviews 82
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How is voice to text?
May 3, 2010, 2:28 PM
I think it probably is amazing for short texts but can you actually dictate to it? and it's accurate??
May 3, 2010, 3:59 PM
You can dictate, but you need to tweak the settings.
It's pretty accurate. It doesn't do names well, and until you get used to the quirks, you have to talk kinda slow. But it's surprisingly accurate for what it does.
I'm Beta testing Vlingo right now. Which is slightly better in dictation, but worse in name recognition. It can only get better from here
May 9, 2010, 11:54 AM
Other than voice-dialing, my last venture with VTT was 10 years ago, so I am wowed. The Incredible is outstanding for text messaging and To-Do tasks. Dictating, "are we meeting at 6 o'clock tonight at kabuki question mark" produced exactly that, with "?" replacing the last two words. If you type names and other words not known to the HTC, you get an orange-colored bug that asks if you want to add to the dictionary - I had already added "Kabuki." It also works with "645 o'clock" and "exclamation point"
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