HTC Droid Incredible
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HTC Incredible or Iphone 3gs?
I know the guts of the Incredible seems stronger and I don't argue Verizon is better but it seems like the Iphone is a more user friendly device as Ihave only quickly seen the incredible. Thoughts?
play with it. you'll be surprised. my brother has the iphone 3g and says hes pretty impressed with the incredible as well. play with it then make a decision. 😁
I just traded my iphone S for the incredible. I would say that in my opinion,the iphone is a very easy phone to use,a little easier then the incredible. The incerdible is more for people who like to play around with electronics,where the iphone is a little more basic, you see is what you get". The incredible allows for true customization. If you dont like the keyboard for example,go to the market and get another one. Maybe a good analogy would be that the iphone is like a simple point and shoot camera and the incredibe is a sophisticated SLR. The screen quality and processor speed is superior on the incredible BTW. Anyway,its gonna come down to personal preference. Good luck
I've been carrying both, since the Incredible came out. The iPhone is "effortless", thats the way I describe it to people who want one.
The Incredible is THE CLOSEST yet, and it is very nice. Obviously, there are things that one gets used to after the iPhone for several years...things that make it hard to "transistion".
I have been extremely pleased with the Incredible. I will carry both for another month or so and then I will likely port to VZW. I can't handle dropped calls every single day....or constantly having to ask the other party if they are still there.
For me, the iPhone is not enough to keep me with ATT.
I've recently had to call people back using the Incredible because the iPhone chronically failed on ATT!
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