I work for Verizon Wireless in the NYMetro area...the vx4500 will be released on the 29th for customer purchasing!!!
since you work for verizon could you tell me if the 4500 is tri-mode? I would greatly appreciat it .
Digital only. I was all set to try one out on a 15-day because of the speakerphone, but lack of tri-mode cancelled those plans. Guess I'm just goon go ahead and get the 4400B.
I REALLY wanted a decent speakerphone, but between this dig-only thing and the v60s missed call (seems especially prevalent in my area, NYC), looks like we gonna have to do without one.
FWIW, 4500 are reported already in-the-back in some Seattle area stores........
is there any way it'll start selling sooner?? and there is a thread in HoFo that the phone is already in stores in seattle.
I guess it is time to start harrassing the local Verizon stores. 😛
Also, reports that $50 rebate slips have been in the stores (albeit, in the bottom drawer)for a while now.....
I went to the local store. The store manager is going to research the 4500 inventory/release and give me a call in the next couple days. He says that everyone there carries the 4400 because it is the most reliable phone they have.
I just called a Verizon store in Woodland Hills, CA and they said they have received a lot of the LG 4500 phones but they cannot sell it until late next week. They didn't know the selling price. They also said the only difference is that the 4500 has a speaker phone. I am sure this is not true.
If you read my comments below...ive already gotten to use it....the 4500 is ALL DIGITAL...its really annoying though when customers get turned off by the phone being all digital....pretty soon it wont matter...all our towers are more or less all digital now anyways...THE KEY DIFFERENCE IN THIS PHONE THAN THE 4400 AND THE 6000 IS THE SPEAKER PHONE AND THE VOICE CAPABILITIES....the speakerphone is actually very nice...it is loud and clear....and the voice activated technology offers alot more recognition...it allows u to browse the menus...dial individual numbers (no programing names necessarily)...also, minor, but the screen is bigger and much brighter like the 6000
aviduzer said:
.its really annoying though when customers get turned off by the phone being all digital....pretty soon it wont matter...
Right, pretty soon it won't matter. But right now it DOES matter.
Many folks have cell phones partly for emergency purposes. And the place that you would most need a phone for that purpose is also the place where you would most need it to be analog: in the boonies, away from everything like readily available pay phones, businesses, and civilization.
You can say that since this phone is digital only, the maker must realize your point. But the same company, along with many others, continue to make NEW tri-mode phones; there must be a reason for it.
And as far as t...
Where we are living we seem to run into alot of analog and we are in the san diego area. We have sprint which is awful for us. So we are changing to verizon as we can talk on roam for no extra charge here. I think because we are by the beach they say that the communities are not allowing any new towers to be installed so we are stuck with what we get. So if I am in my house I have analog 98percent of the time. I wish we could just have a digital phone as I love that 4500. BooHoo I wish it were tri mode. Thank you for letting me know that it is digital only. I better order the 4400 B we need 3 of them unless anyone knows of a good trimode with speaker phone from verizon.
I have the audiovox 8900. It is a tri-mode with a very very good speaker phone. As long as you don't need a phone that vibrates a couple of times and then rings the 8900 sounds like it would be great for you. I am returning mine for the only reason that I need it to vibrate and then ring. The speaker phone on it is great even outside in the wind. Reception is great and the battery last a long time compared to my v60. The screen on the 8900 is just plain beautiful! As I said it also have a camera but I don't use it just because I am one of those people that think cameras should be left off phones. Hope this helps,
I just returned my Audiovox 8900. It has an inadequate speaker phone and inadequate voice quality. Trust me, you don't want that phone!
Don't worry too much about analog! San Diego area is well covered with digital and quality is much, much better than analog. The only occasion when you roam with Verizon in SoCal is if you go towards Sequoia or Yosemite parks. Sprint s*cks big time; I had a LG 5200 with Sprint and I didn't get any signal at all quite often (Santa Monica). Get a Verizon phone, you have two weeks to test it, and if you don't like it, you can retrun it or get another one.
Spekerphones with Verizon: LG 4500 (I plan to get one myself), Motorola 270c (quite old, probably discontinued, but a very solid phone), Audiovox 8300, 8600 and 8900 (except for the 8300, the others have pretty useless speakerphones), V60s, etc (see: https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/finder_...
Any chance you have a pre-MIR price?
Just a ballpark figure would be fine.
I work for Verizon, and I just found out the pricing on the 4500.
$119 with a 2 yr contract
$169 with a 1 year contract
I will try and let you all know when i hear about other new phones/release dates/prices.
Oh, and there is a $50 rebate also
thanks for the pricing.....but when does the 4500 go on sale??
goes on sale nationally on jan. 29th
Jan 19, 2004, 9:27 PM
as you seem to be most knowledgable on this phone, can you compare the LG 4500 with other verizon speakerphones re : 1) reception (esp. in bad pockets), 2) speakerphone volume, clarity, 3) battery life, 4) ring volume, choice/quality of choices, 5) any other thoughts.
so far i'm considering the other available models : the motorola v60s and the audiovox 8600 or, if need be d/t general quality, giving up on the speaker phone part, and consider the LG 4400 or the 6000, or are any others (samsung ?) coming out soon ??? specific to reception, i live in a part of the town (charlotte, n.c.) where the reception drops to just barely ok, sometimes.
thanks, pete
No problem... The speakerphone, I think, is probably the best one that VZW has ever had on a phone. The 60S sounds garbled sometimes and since the speaker is on the front of that if you have your hands over it, you cant hear. The 8600...just stay away from that phone. Its too small and the "speakerphone" comes out of the earpiece so you cant use it flipped open. The new samsung (a610) was supposed to be out in nov... i have the rebate pads to prove it. but b/c VZW is so picky about their software, it has pushed back the release date more and more. the 4400 and the 6000 are both good phones (i have the 6000) the 4000 is basically everything the 6000 is except the camera. but if you have reception problems where you live, you will probab...
I work in Denver, CO and we have already released it.
Thanks for all of the info yopu have provided on this one. Please let us know how this phone is received by your customers over the next few days.
always a pleasure 🙂
how is that possible?? i mean, i'm not calling you a liar, but how were you guys able to release it when everyone else stated it would be released on jan. 29th??
could you please tell us how you've been able to sell the 4500 before the release date?? thanks.
district manager approval. the official launch date for us was 1.20.04 and can vary by market.
How do you like the phone? Is the speakerphone good and loud? Any complaints yet?
Available in LA: January 27th. (29th from other sources)
could you post a picture of the phone?