LG VX-4500
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Caller ID
I just replaced my A530 for the 4500 and it seems great. Only thing is I cannot get caller id to work please can someone tell me what i am doing wrong on this phone
Don't worry it was a fault at VZW's end. Fixed!
Your phone may be going to extended network or roaming. If so you won't get features such as caller id, voice mail, etc. If you don't travel much you migh want to try setting your phone to home only instead of automatic a, or automatic b. When set to Auto a or b the phone will look for the first available cell tower, and many times it will find another carriers tower. In home only your phone will only look for your carriers towers. This is a very common problem.
Menu,settings (9),System (3),Select System (1),Home only.
If you travel outside of your home area then you will need to change back to the auto setting that you are on now to use your phone.
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