Samsung SCH-A670
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a670 caller ID prob. please help
I just got my a670 the other day, and for some reason the caller ID is not reckognizing any incoming calls-including those saved in my contacts. Does caller ID come standard with the phone, or do you have to get it put on by a verizon rep.? Is there a special setting I have to set the phone to, or is it just broken??? Someone please help!
Caller ID is a standard part of any VZW contract. You may want to go back to your dealer and see if you got a lemon...sorry
Are you sure that the numbers in your contact list have 10 digits (ie, arecode and number)?
Check that you have the phone numbers stored as 10 digits (area code and number) in your contacts list.
There is a new firmware available for this phone that came out yesterday, XJ06< that also fixes this bug in the phone. You can get this update from the Verizon store. Tell the tech to check with the guys in the back to make sure they have the update there. Takes about 45 minutes to update the phone.
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