Sony Ericsson Z600
Reviews 8
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Phone regularly blocked (icon with a phone crossed by a slash)
Feb 6, 2004, 10:00 AM
It happens almost every day.
Then I need to swith off & switch on, sometimes a couple of times, so that it works again.
Anybody experienced this already ?
Thanks for the feedback
Would love to experience that except I'm in the US and the phone is not out here yet. Sorry, I'm just anxious to try get that phone. The Euro and Asian markets are far ahead of us here. I don't know why they can't roll out phones at the same time.
Dude, this phone is being sold everywhere...or at least around NYC. Not too expensive either. Dunno where you live, but just look around. A lot of people import the phones from overseas, unlock them, and sell them. I think the going rate is around $100-150 with a new contract..but I'm not sure. I was thinking about getting this phone, but it seemed a little big when i played with it in the store.
Does anyone else know about the reception quality?
NYC? I seriously had no idea. When I check for unlocked z600's they're hundreds of dollars. I'll look again as that was a little while back. I only noticed that none of the carriers here in Phoenix were carrying them.
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