Samsung Galaxy Exhibit (2013)
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It's odd though: some T-Mobile stores are already selling the Q10 to consumers.
One T-Mobile store I called said that they already started selling the Q10 to non-biz customers, while another said that they have not started selling them.
Sales Figures?
I have seen general statements like 'this is the biggest Blackberry launch ever' and claims that in certain countries the Z10 was outselling the iPhone, and I've seen polls that as much as 76% of current Blackberry users plan to upgrade to a Blackberry 10 device and that as much as 1/3 of the Blackberry 10's sold have been people upgrading from Android of iPhone, probably old Blackberry customers giving the platform. I've even seen that the stock price has been increasing....
All I've seen are general statements that it's been 'a success'....but does have any actual figures how many have been sold? One million, two million, five million?
These two phones
Exhibit - don't waste your time, it's not worth the monthly payments, this is a seriously budget device, lots of issues.