Nokia 6230
Reviews 100+
Not in the warehouse
My local Cingular store in LA (company not independent) said the phones aren't even in the warehouse yet. And I don't know how long it takes C to get the phones out to the stores but I'd imagine that will be an additional week or two.
The wait is killing me.
1 reply
Please include the prices...
Also how much would the new line be priced at? Thank you.
Actual Release Date...
Does anyone know when this phone is coming out as well as any other NOKIA for the Cingular line? Especially flip phones. Thank you for any information you may be able to provide.
Release date?
I hate to ask the infamous question again, but does anyone have any clue whatsoever as to when this phone will be available? I have been in a nokia 1100 for months now just waiting for this phone. Thanks in advance on any input 😁
8 replies
Sep 4, 2004, 2:29 PM
AWS mMode Settings for 6230?
I just got a 6230b from a counterpart at Nokia, and the hype is true, the phone is very cool.
On to my question: I downloaded the mMode settings from Nokia's OTA web page, and they don't work. I constantly receive a "Server Not Available" message. Has anyone else experienced this? Any solutions? Nokia's tech support couldn't help much, and theorized the AWS might be blocking access since the phone hasn't been released yet. AWS is useless. I'm not sure if the settings are localized, but if they are I'm in San Francisco.
5 replies
dose any one in the u.s. have a 6230
i need some help with my pc connection and i cant get any help 😢
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i just got mine,any help?
i got mine off ebay and i don't know what my presence is? plus i need some ring tones game and apps plus some general help i figured out most of it though any help
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how to connect to pc
i have pc suiet 6.1 and a dku-2 cable but i cant connect, a guy at nokia support said it wasent possible cause i have t-moblie and its not supported....any help
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java games
I need some help with installing java games.
If i transfer them to my phone unpacked, (in jar. and jad. format) my phone doesnt regognize the files.
And if i send them packed, (zip. format) it doesnt get regognised either.
How do i install java games ??
Thnx for ur effort.
2 replies
SD compatibility
I was just wondering if anybody knew if the Nokia 6230 will be able to accept a SD or secure digital memory card as well. I know the cards are the same size and are often used interchangeably in certain devices, but I am not sure if the same will be true here.
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Any Updates on Release Date????
Can't wait much longer....I want the 6230!!!
8 replies
Aug 29, 2004, 11:49 AM
Stereo Sound
At another forum someone suggested the 6230 might not playback music in stereo. Does anyone know if it does or doesn't? I know it does FM in stereo, but that doesn't necessarily mean the mp3's are too.
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6230 in 2-3 weeks
I stopped by my Cingular store and I was informed that the 6230 would be one of the new phones comming in within the next 3 weeks. This however is the only one they would tell me. So for anyone looking forward to a 6230 it isnt too much longer.
1 reply
November Release?
I stopped into a Cingular store today, and the clerk told me that if it's not on their list by September, it won't be out until November in time for the Xmas holiday season. I hope that is wrong info, I really want one now, and I don't want to wait....
Bluetooth remote control Nokia 6230 PC
Now can easy control your PC from beloved 6230.
Check this for more details:
Cingular rebate form lists 6230
I noticed that the rebate form lists the 6230 with a $50 rebate. I find this odd since they don't even have it for sale yet.
1 reply
Sep 2, 2004, 2:50 PM
Series 60
This may be a stupid question. But would it be feasible to upgrade the software on the 6230 to Series 60 Symbian sort of like you could a computer? As far as lacking the special keys that the 6620 and 7610 have, you could just assign the soft keys to those functions?
1 reply
Cingular prices on 6230
I've seen messages here indicating that the price of the 6230 with a 2 year agreement will be $149 with a $50 rebate.
Is that $149 AFTER the rebate (I'm assuming mail in?) or before?
Also, I called my local Cingular store, and they were guessing that they will not be out for at least a month, as they haven't received any demo units or training yet.
So, it looks like it could be mid to late Sept. now...
5 replies
Nov 1, 2003, 5:46 PM
makes me want to exchange my T616
Everything the T616 or T630 has and a lot more. Plus, Nokia has a reputation for better reception, whether it's true or not I don't know.
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